Bill of Materials for a local workshop session
A quiet room, table and chairs. In case you work with subgroups: additional table plus chairs for each of the subgroups, the whole in cabaret setting.
Tools and supplies
- Manual for the facilitator(s)
- Laptop with internet plus projector; loaded with Presentation.pdf
- Ready on each subgroup table:
- SDG card deck, 20 cards (85*55 mm), printed from "carddeck 85x55 mm" on plain A4 paper and cut manually
- background.html file to display on laptop, tablet or smartphone or hyperlink to online version
- English:
- Español:
- French:
- Dutch:
- SDG hardcopy of "planning board.pdf" (2 A4 preferably pasted together along the long side)
- Adhesive tape, Markers, Pencils
- Post-it stickers (85x55 mm)
- Attendance list
- Evaluation forms (empty sheet of paper, A5 or A6)
- Optional: for each participant empty name badge / stickers
- Optional: in various languages: images of the UN SDG poster (sdg-00.png) and the SDG icons (sdg-01.png - sdg-17.png)