@@ -30,12 +30,19 @@ I am making three costumes and a video mixing 3D and performance.
Past, present and future are mixed, embodied by three characters, the Norns, weavers of destiny from Northern Mythology, Past, Present, Future.
They are a new version of northern mythological goddesses of weaving. They appear as mediums in different temporalities. Myths have often been used by States and authority to control societies, as in religions or dictatorship regimes. This myth and the Wagner Opera of the “Crepuscule des Dieux” or “Gotterdammerung” has been used by Hitler to get it in his favour. But they are also part of civilians representations and their interpretation allows us to reinvent our contemporary myths.

### _where_
Digitally and physically.
They wear the outfit with their story crypted and incrusted. Its their protection and their sign of distinction and of their clan. They have tentacles on their chins as they are part of a connected web, it is a bit the physical representation of a navel but also a kind of antenna, coming from different sources and when Verdandi touches it, she receives a present message that is represented by a sound.
They also wear sunglasses that they use to move from the digital to the physical world without getting their visions damaged.
They indeed use the glasses in order to perceive whats happening in the whole web and what is going to occur. They The present Norne, Verdandi, is the present and helps translating what is happening.