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??? task "weekly assignment"
Check out the weekly assignment [here](http://fabricademy.fabcloud.io/handbook/assessment/criteria/#9-textile-scaffold) or login to your [NuEval](http://nueval.fabacademy.org) progress and evaluation page.
??? tip "about your images..delete the tip!!"
1. Remember to credit/reference all your images to their authors. Open source helps us create change faster together, but we all deserve recognition for what we make, design, think, develop.
2. remember to resize and optimize all your images. You will run out of space and the more data, the more servers, the more cooling systems and energy wasted :) make a choice at every image :)
This image is optimised in size with resolution 72 and passed through tinypng for final optimisation.
_**Remove tips when you don't need them anymore!**_
??? bug "get inspired!"
Check out and research alumni pages to betetr understand how to document and get inspired
* [Betiana Pavon](http://class.textile-academy.org/2019/betiana.pavon/) _FabLab Barcelona 2019-20_
* [Saskia Helinska](https://class.textile-academy.org/2022/saskia-helinska/assignments/week09.html) _FabLab Barcelona 2021-22_