diff --git a/docs/assignments/week09.md b/docs/assignments/week09.md
index f94f00354862788d16449c388207ac340951826a..b3917261e993493be11eb779578c8bec3ab7e759 100644
--- a/docs/assignments/week09.md
+++ b/docs/assignments/week09.md
@@ -5,33 +5,6 @@
 ![describe what you see in this image](../images/home/sample-image.jpg){ width=400 align=right }
-??? task "weekly assignment"
-	Check out the weekly assignment [here](http://fabricademy.fabcloud.io/handbook/assessment/criteria/#9-textile-scaffold) or login to your [NuEval](http://nueval.fabacademy.org) progress and evaluation page.
-??? tip "about your images..delete the tip!!"
-	1. Remember to credit/reference all your images to their authors. Open source helps us create change faster together, but we all deserve recognition for what we make, design, think, develop.
-	2. remember to resize and optimize all your images. You will run out of space and the more data, the more servers, the more cooling systems and energy wasted :) make a choice at every image :)
-	This image is optimised in size with resolution 72 and passed through tinypng for final optimisation.
-	_**Remove tips when you don't need them anymore!**_
-??? bug "get inspired!"
-	Check out and research alumni pages to betetr understand how to document and get inspired
-	* [Betiana Pavon](http://class.textile-academy.org/2019/betiana.pavon/) _FabLab Barcelona 2019-20_
-	* [Saskia Helinska](https://class.textile-academy.org/2022/saskia-helinska/assignments/week09.html) _FabLab Barcelona 2021-22_
-	* [Dominique Vial](https://class.textile-academy.org/2021/dominique.vial/) _TextileLab Lyon 2020-21_
-	_Add your fav alumni's pages as references_
 ## References & Inspiration