@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ I've also been scratching my head over how [Tom Dubick](http://archive.fabacadem
Free and open source software is a part of the culture of Fab Labs.
I used to be prejudiced against free and open source engineering software, but [I changed my mind during the Fab Academy](https://fabacademy.org/2023/labs/isafjordur/students/svavar-konradsson/assignments/week02.html#on-free-and-open-source-engineering-software). Now I [teach CAD using Ondsel ES](https://fab-lab-island.github.io/FLI_Boot_Camp_2024/projects/ondsel/), using the Part workbench (which is simpler and more powerful than Part Design) and the Laser Cut Interlocking workbench:
I used to be prejudiced against free and open source engineering software, but [I changed my mind during the Fab Academy](https://fabacademy.org/2023/labs/isafjordur/students/svavar-konradsson/assignments/week02.html#on-free-and-open-source-engineering-software). Now I [teach CAD using Ondsel ES](https://fab-lab-island.github.io/FLI_Boot_Camp_2024/projects/ondsel/), using the Part workbench (which I find simpler and more powerful than Part Design) and the Laser Cut Interlocking workbench:
[{: style="width:100%"}](https://www.youtube.com/@FabLabIsa/videos)*The LCInterlocking workbench is great for CNC milling and laser cutting interlocking parts, but it lacks parametric input and a few other things. Since this workbench hasn't been maintained for a few years, I'm considering forking it and learning enough Python to make the necessary changes (when I have the time!).*
<p>I've also been scratching my head over how <ahref="http://archive.fabacademy.org/2016/charlottelatin/students/999/about.html">Tom Dubick</a> takes a cohort of high school students through the Fab Academy every year. We need at least one Tom in every country. I noticed in his students' documentation that they go through a short Pre Fab course before starting the Fab Academy. So I thought it couldn't hurt to try it here, too.</p>
<h2id="free-software">Free software</h2>
<p>Free and open source software is a part of the culture of Fab Labs.</p>
<p>I used to be prejudiced against free and open source engineering software, but <ahref="https://fabacademy.org/2023/labs/isafjordur/students/svavar-konradsson/assignments/week02.html#on-free-and-open-source-engineering-software">I changed my mind during the Fab Academy</a>. Now I <ahref="https://fab-lab-island.github.io/FLI_Boot_Camp_2024/projects/ondsel/">teach CAD using Ondsel ES</a>, using the Part workbench (which is simpler and more powerful than Part Design) and the Laser Cut Interlocking workbench:</p>
<p>I used to be prejudiced against free and open source engineering software, but <ahref="https://fabacademy.org/2023/labs/isafjordur/students/svavar-konradsson/assignments/week02.html#on-free-and-open-source-engineering-software">I changed my mind during the Fab Academy</a>. Now I <ahref="https://fab-lab-island.github.io/FLI_Boot_Camp_2024/projects/ondsel/">teach CAD using Ondsel ES</a>, using the Part workbench (which I find simpler and more powerful than Part Design) and the Laser Cut Interlocking workbench:</p>
<p><ahref="https://www.youtube.com/@FabLabIsa/videos"><imgalt="Ondsel CAD lessons"src="images/ondsel-lessons.jpg"style="width:100%"/></a><em>The LCInterlocking workbench is great for CNC milling and laser cutting interlocking parts, but it lacks parametric input and a few other things. Since this workbench hasn't been maintained for a few years, I'm considering forking it and learning enough Python to make the necessary changes (when I have the time!).</em></p>
<p><imgalt="CNC furniture"src="images/cnc-furniture.jpg"style="width:100%"/><em>Part of the furniture that my students made in the fall of 2024.</em></p>
<p>I received a group of primary school students who were interested in 3D printing, so I showed them TinkerCAD and asked if they had email addresses to sign up. Some did, some couldn't remember, so instead of TinkerCAD I opened up the Part workbench in Ondsel and showed them how to make basic shapes, resize and move them to assemble what they wanted. After a little less than two hours, they had produced this:</p>