@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ Two out of three Icelanders taking the Fab Academy this year got sick right afte
There is a before and after the Fab Academy. I now know how an [aluminum profile feels](https://hackaday.com/2020/08/13/under-pressure-how-aluminum-extrusions-are-made/). You know, they don't heat the material that much, they just push it with enormous force until it deforms and takes on the shape of the die. Before I was a disorganized scatterbrain. Now I'm a scatterbrain who talks about designing things in spirals and documenting everything, not because I'm being forced to do it anymore but because I enjoy the process. What is happening to me?
## Becoming a Fab Academy instructor
## Becoming an instructor
{ : style="width:100%" }*The 2024 Fab Academy Instructor Bootcamp in León, Spain. My contributions: [BLDC Modular Thing](https://academany.fabcloud.io/fabacademy/2024/bootcamp-instructors/workshops/BLDC-Modular-Thing/) and [Chat with your repo](https://academany.fabcloud.io/fabacademy/2024/bootcamp-instructors/workshops/Chat-with-your-repo/). Image from [Frosti Gíslason](https://www.fablabs.io/labs/vestmannaeyjar).*
@@ -118,7 +118,17 @@ I used to be prejudiced against free and open source engineering software, but [
{: style="width:100%"}*Part of the furniture that my students made in the fall of 2024.*
When I realized that Ondsel is a capable CAD program, I no longer needed Windows. So I've been daily driving Linux Mint since March of 2024 ([my settings](https://files.svavar.cc/computers/thinkpad/)) and Þórarinn joined me this fall. Mint is the friendliest distro, without sacrificing any power or compatibility.
I received a group of primary school students who were interested in 3D printing, so I showed them TinkerCAD and asked if they had email addresses to sign up. Some did, some couldn't remember, so instead of TinkerCAD I opened up the Part workbench in Ondsel and showed them how to make basic shapes, resize and move them to assemble what they wanted. After a little less than two hours, they had produced this:

I'm also enjoying [distilling CAD principles](https://www.fabisa.is/N%C3%A1msefni/Pre-Fab/5-tolvuteikning/) for the Pre Fab course:
When I realized that Ondsel/FreeCAD is a capable CAD program, I no longer needed Windows. So I've been daily driving Linux Mint since March of 2024 ([my settings](https://files.svavar.cc/computers/thinkpad/)) and Þórarinn joined me this fall. Mint is the friendliest distro, without sacrificing any power or compatibility.
<p><imgalt="The Icelandic students in Fab Academy 2023"src="https://fabacademy.org/2023/labs/isafjordur/students/svavar-konradsson/assignments/images/week10/team.jpg"style="width:100%"/><em>The Icelandic students in Fab Academy 2023: Yours truly, <ahref="https://fabacademy.org/2023/labs/akureyri/students/andri-semundsson/">Andri Sæmundsson</a> and <ahref="https://fabacademy.org/2023/labs/isafjordur/students/hafey-hallgrimsdottir/">Hafey Viktoría Hallgrímsdóttir</a>.</em></p>
<p>Two out of three Icelanders taking the Fab Academy this year got sick right after their final project presentation, because the pressure had been so high. Was it worth it? It was. I would hardly dare make electronics before but now I'm considering taking an electronic product to market. </p>
<p>There is a before and after the Fab Academy. I now know how an <ahref="https://hackaday.com/2020/08/13/under-pressure-how-aluminum-extrusions-are-made/">aluminum profile feels</a>. You know, they don't heat the material that much, they just push it with enormous force until it deforms and takes on the shape of the die. Before I was a disorganized scatterbrain. Now I'm a scatterbrain who talks about designing things in spirals and documenting everything, not because I'm being forced to do it anymore but because I enjoy the process. What is happening to me?</p>
<h2id="becoming-a-fab-academy-instructor">Becoming a Fab Academy instructor</h2>
<h2id="becoming-an-instructor">Becoming an instructor</h2>
<p><img:=":"alt="2024 Fab Academy Instructor Bootcamp in León"src="images/leon_2024.jpg"style="width:100%"/><em>The 2024 Fab Academy Instructor Bootcamp in León, Spain. My contributions: <ahref="https://academany.fabcloud.io/fabacademy/2024/bootcamp-instructors/workshops/BLDC-Modular-Thing/">BLDC Modular Thing</a> and <ahref="https://academany.fabcloud.io/fabacademy/2024/bootcamp-instructors/workshops/Chat-with-your-repo/">Chat with your repo</a>. Image from <ahref="https://www.fablabs.io/labs/vestmannaeyjar">Frosti Gíslason</a>.</em></p>
<p>I've set up <ahref="https://www.fabisa.is/N%C3%A1msefni/Pre-Fab/0-yfirlit/">Iceland's first Pre Fab course</a> (you'll need to translate that page). I think it's essential that prospective Fab Academy students try a few things before starting the course itself, so that they know what they're getting into! Before I started the Fab Academy, <ahref="https://fabacademy.org/archives/2015/eu/students/gunnarsson.thorarinn_b.b/about.html">Þórarinn</a> taught me to mill on the ShopBot, <ahref="http://archive.fabacademy.org/fabacademy2016/fablabreykjavik/students/272/index.html">Hafliði</a> walked me through making a simple capacitive sensor and <ahref="https://fabacademy.org/2022/labs/isafjordur/students/arni-bjornsson/about/">Árni</a> helped me set up a website. It was unplanned and informal, but it helped me a lot. </p>
<p>I've also been scratching my head over how <ahref="http://archive.fabacademy.org/2016/charlottelatin/students/999/about.html">Tom Dubick</a> takes a cohort of high school students through the Fab Academy every year. We need at least one Tom in every country. I noticed in his students' documentation that they go through a short Pre Fab course before starting the Fab Academy. So I thought it couldn't hurt to try it here, too.</p>
@@ -1699,7 +1699,14 @@
<p>I used to be prejudiced against free and open source engineering software, but <ahref="https://fabacademy.org/2023/labs/isafjordur/students/svavar-konradsson/assignments/week02.html#on-free-and-open-source-engineering-software">I changed my mind during the Fab Academy</a>. Now I <ahref="https://fab-lab-island.github.io/FLI_Boot_Camp_2024/projects/ondsel/">teach CAD using Ondsel ES</a>, using the Part workbench (which is simpler and more powerful than Part Design) and the Laser Cut Interlocking workbench:</p>
<p><ahref="https://www.youtube.com/@FabLabIsa/videos"><imgalt="Ondsel CAD lessons"src="images/ondsel-lessons.jpg"style="width:100%"/></a><em>The LCInterlocking workbench is great for CNC milling and laser cutting interlocking parts, but it lacks parametric input and a few other things. Since this workbench hasn't been maintained for a few years, I'm considering forking it and learning enough Python to make the necessary changes (when I have the time!).</em></p>
<p><imgalt="CNC furniture"src="images/cnc-furniture.jpg"style="width:100%"/><em>Part of the furniture that my students made in the fall of 2024.</em></p>
<p>When I realized that Ondsel is a capable CAD program, I no longer needed Windows. So I've been daily driving Linux Mint since March of 2024 (<ahref="https://files.svavar.cc/computers/thinkpad/">my settings</a>) and Þórarinn joined me this fall. Mint is the friendliest distro, without sacrificing any power or compatibility.</p>
<p>I received a group of primary school students who were interested in 3D printing, so I showed them TinkerCAD and asked if they had email addresses to sign up. Some did, some couldn't remember, so instead of TinkerCAD I opened up the Part workbench in Ondsel and showed them how to make basic shapes, resize and move them to assemble what they wanted. After a little less than two hours, they had produced this:</p>
<p><imgalt="Primary school work in Ondsel ES"src="https://www.fabisa.is/N%C3%A1msefni/Grunnskoli/images/ondsel-primary-school.gif"/></p>
<p>I'm also enjoying <ahref="https://www.fabisa.is/N%C3%A1msefni/Pre-Fab/5-tolvuteikning/">distilling CAD principles</a> for the Pre Fab course:</p>
<p>When I realized that Ondsel/FreeCAD is a capable CAD program, I no longer needed Windows. So I've been daily driving Linux Mint since March of 2024 (<ahref="https://files.svavar.cc/computers/thinkpad/">my settings</a>) and Þórarinn joined me this fall. Mint is the friendliest distro, without sacrificing any power or compatibility.</p>