<br><br><h4id="programm"><strong>Design in Software </strong></h4>
<p><strong> The design of the smart kitchen chimeny is created usign FreeCAD software. Firstly I have created part seperatlly in software and finally assembled then A2plus menu in software. </p></strong>
<pstyle="justify-content: center"><strong> [1]Yu, X. J., Yang, M. J., Zhou, B., Wang, G. Z., Huang, Y. C., Wu, L. C., ... & Gao, X. H. (2015). Characterization of somatic mutations
<pstyle="justify-content: center"><strong> [1]Yu, X. J., Yang, M. J., Zhou, B., Wang, G. Z., Huang, Y. C., Wu, L. C., ... & Gao, X. H. (2015). Characterization of somatic mutations
in air pollution-related lung cancer. EBioMedicine, 2(6), 583-590 <br> [2]Gao, J., Cao, C., Zhang, X., & Luo, Z. (2013). Volume-based size distribution of accumulation and coarse particles
in air pollution-related lung cancer. EBioMedicine, 2(6), 583-590 <br> [2]Gao, J., Cao, C., Zhang, X., & Luo, Z. (2013). Volume-based size distribution of accumulation and coarse particles