# Output Devices
This week I used an arduino Uno to make a forever spin top spin at different speeds and directions.
I used the Zeotrope tutorial from the Arduino starter kit as it had a similar function.
These are the components I need to control the motor:
* DC motor - only motor I have available now
* H-bridge - IC to control the direction change of the motor
* Potentiometer - to control speed manual input
* Switches - 1 for on/off, 1 for direction change
* Resistors - 10k ohm in series with switches
* Battery 9V - power with connector
* Arduino Uno + Breadboard + Jumper Wires
To understand the circuit I arranged everything and marked the functions and connections of each part. And checked the [datasheet
for H-bridge L298N.](
From the above setup, we can see that the pins used are:
##### Digital Pins :
* 4 for on/off
* 5 for direction change
* 2 for motor control
* 3 for motor control
##### Analog Pins :
* A0 for speed control
Based on this I defined the constants in the sketch in Arduino IDE.
Then, defined the variables, defined inputs and outputs, setup code, and the loop. Each part is explained briefly in the
I uploaded the sketch without any errors, but still the motor did not run. I checked all connections and finally had to change my 9
<iframe width="688" height="387" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; e
crypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen=""></iframe>
Next, I fabricated a circular base to make the top spin on top from some tape and board I had at home. The pink top was milled by m
on a Roland 4-axis milling machine some years back. If in the lab, I would like to make this setup more refined using the machines.
Finally I put everything together and this is the setup for a forever spinning top.
<iframe width="688" height="387" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay;
encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen=""></iframe>
#### Code
#### Tutorials
[Arduino Zoetrope Project](
### Adding an input sensor
In my arduino kit I had 2 sensors, a temperature sensor and a tilt sensor, I used the latter to make the top spin.
A tilt sensor has a tiny ball inside that connects the legs to complete the circuit, on tilting, the ball loses contact with one
leg and breaks the circuit.
First I made a simple tilt sensor test with led outputs to understand how it works. This was fairly simple. I used [this t
torial]( to make leds light on tilting.
Next, I simplified the DC motor circuit from before by removing the H-brige, the potentiometer and the 2 switches, as I didn't
need to change direction or speed.
I referred <a href"https:="""" arduino="" arduino_dc_motor.htm"="">this tutorial</a> for different ways to u
e the dc motor. And then did something similar to [this.](
After I got that to work, I combined both sketches to make the tilt sensor the input and the motor the output.
I made some changes to the base, as it was wobbly, and then assembled eveything.

This is a video of it in action
<iframe width="688" height="387" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay;
encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen=""></iframe>
I would like to make the base more refined and add the breadboard and arduino inside, and connect to a battery instead of powering i
from the arduino. To make the top spinner.
#### Code
[Only DC motor - sketch](./images/output/
[Only tilt sensor - sketch](./images/output/
[Tilt sensor + DC motor - sketch](./images/output/