The pin 8 in UNO board connection the IN1 in ULN2003, the pin 9 in UNO board connection the IN2 ULN2003, the pin 10 in UNO board connection the IN3 ULN2003, the pin 11 in UNO board connection the IN4 ULN2003. Then I programed in the Ardino.<br/>
The pin 8 in UNO board connection the IN1 in ULN2003, the pin 9 in UNO board connection the IN2 ULN2003, the pin 10 in UNO board connection the IN3 ULN2003, the pin 11 in UNO board connection the IN4 ULN2003. Then I programed in the Ardino.</p>
This week I did some small mistake, so it took me a lot of times. The first time I laid out the plates and processed them, I found that some parts were not cut in place.<br/>
This week I did some small mistake, so it took me a lot of times. The first time I laid out the plates and processed them, I found that some parts were not cut in place.</p>
I used the USBtiny board to program my board and I used the Arudino UNO to provide the power of 5V. I used Neil's c code and made file to program the board and saved them in a specific directory inside the Desktop. I opened Git Bash and went inside the directory where the c code and the make file where located. Then, I ran the following commands:<br/>
I used the USBtiny board to program my board and I used the Arudino UNO to provide the power of 5V. I used Neil's c code and made file to program the board and saved them in a specific directory inside the Desktop. I opened Git Bash and went inside the directory where the c code and the make file where located. Then, I ran the following commands:</p>
<code>make -f hello.RGB.45. make program-usbatiny</code><br/>