<p>Use the <ahref="https://html5up.net/landed">Landed</a> template in the <ahref="https://html5up.net/">html5up</a> to quickly build up my learning website. All the web template are free. Down the files and unzip all files to Webpage folder, the template only include the main page, so use the Atom to manage the website and create the all pages of project.</p>
<p>Use the <ahref="https://www.themezy.com/free-website-templates/167-spirit8-service-agency-responsive-bootstrap-template">spirit8</a> template in the <ahref="https://www.themezy.com/free-website-templates">themezy</a> to quickly build up my learning website. All the web template are free. Down the files and unzip all files to Webpage folder, the template only include the main page, so use the Atom to manage the website and create the all pages of project.</p>