@@ -44,12 +44,14 @@ Add symbols with names that make sense, try to follow and come up with a Fab nam
- [x] Radios
- [x] Crystals
- [x] Buttons and switches
- [] Connectors
- [] Jacks and plugs
- [] Battery holders
- [] USB chips and connectors
- [x] Connectors
- [x] Jacks and plugs
- [x] Battery holders
- [x] USB chips and connectors
- [x] SD card socket
Next step: Create a list of parts to test against. Maybe the [Fab Electronics Inventory](https://gitlab.fabcloud.org/pub/inventory/electronics) project can be useful here.
## Contributing
Please refer to the [CONTRIBUTING](CONTRIBUTING.md) document. Run `test.py` locally before `git push`.