Coronavirus tracking project for fab lab network development and deployment
Neil's Message to the #FabLabNetwork
There has been an immense effort across the Network to support communities in need during the Coronavirus outbreak.
Neil Gershenfeld has some cautionary tips and recommendations on how to help. Please watch this video!
Message to the Network
Dear Fab Lab Network,
Over the past few weeks, we have been so heartened to see your strength, innovation and willingness to act and collaborate in responding to the COVID-19 pandemic. We feel very fortunate to be a part of this global community of such passionate and dynamic change makers.
At the Fab Foundation and at CBA, staff and researchers are working to develop devices as well as identify and solidify protocols and best practices around assisting health care professionals, patients in crisis, as well as supporting the rest of us under threat of infection at this time. We want everyone to be well-informed and using professional best practices in digital fabrication as we respond to this crisis. This is a unique opportunity to help our communities in important ways, and to demonstrate the potential for digital fabrication, how it brings social impact, and how it supports humanitarian efforts.
We are listening to, and CBA is working with, experts and specialists at the FDA and the CDC on several fronts, such as sharing standards regarding materials and manufacturing processes, protocols for rapid device approvals, interfacing with hospitals and healthcare providers, to be shared with the network so that we are all aligned and can move forward with this work in safe and effective ways. We will share this information with the network as soon as it becomes available in our central repository.
In the meantime we are excited and grateful to see you innovate and share your designs and processes. This is an opportunity to really work collaboratively across countries to create and manufacture the most efficient and effective prototypes. We are most powerful when we work together.
A few things for everyone to keep in mind as we move forward:
- Health and safety is the most important issue of all, for first responders and health practitioners, for patients, for civil servants and for fabbers and makers.
- Coordinate projects so that we are most effective and can leverage network effects.
- Work with your own community first to help meet its needs.
- Bring in all the professional expertise that you can to help with design, materials selection, testing, certification or validation, and logistics (e.g. physicians, nurses, emergency staff, engineers, certification agencies, digital fabrication gurus, etc.).
- Prototype solutions, and then tap into the network to align, develop and scale.
- Last but not least, take to heart the oath practiced by the medical field, the Hippocratic Oath: First, do no harm! In the rush to help, be sure that what you make is safe for those in need.
Stay safe and healthy, take care of yourselves and your families. Try to enjoy some time at home and celebrate every day that we are alive and well and on this planet together.
Looking forward to seeing you online or in-person soon.
Lass President & CEO - Fab Foundation
- MIT CBA Meetings
- MIT CBA prototyping and diagnostics
- MIT CBA Projects
- Projects shared by the network
- Standards and Specifications
- Repair and Restoration
- Literature Reviews
- Calls to Action
- Challenges
- Upcoming Meetings
- Past Meetings
- Lectures and Talks
- Upcoming Hackathons
- Past Hackathons
- Hardware
- Software
- Local Resources and Guides
- Online Groups
- Surveys
- Blog Posts
- Papers
MIT CBA Meetings
10:30A EDT Tue May 19
- video
- background, process
- projects, intros
- Zach
- ? Jonathan
- building airflow modeling
- Karina+
- PPE waste
- ? Ephantus
- Gearbox
- Hazhir
- Steve (11:15)
- Megan/build back better
10:30A EDT Tue May 12
- video
- background, process
- projects, intros
- Willie
- Alfonso
- Sanjay
- Sabrina
- Nik
- Karina
- Massood
- Megan/build back better
- social-environmental-economic solution making through inclusion, #CollectiveGenius, tech-forward innovation
- curating response build-back-better
- rapid-prototyping+rapid-share+rapid-distro+rapid-inclusion+rapid-teamwork+rapid-scale
- in this work consider/accelerate UN Sustainable Development Goals, and,, listen and scale welcoming innovation culture, and connect local innovation networks and community innovation places e.g.
- MIT Solve 2020 - FYSA May 12
- all day; 2:45pm ET open session
- Today:
- MIT Solve Challenges Solver Spotlight:
- 2020 Challenges: - Good Jobs & Inclusive Entrepreneurship, Learning for Girls & Women, Sustainable Food Systems, Health Security & Pandemics
- Solver teams (all)
- MIT Solve Indigenouse Communities Fellowship - Aaron
11:00A EDT Tue May 5
- video
- background, process
- projects, intros
- Make
- Megan (build-back-better rapid-proto/distro teams), Jeremy&Kelly with CSO-Lauren & CSO-Shalae, Meka, Michelle S, Mitali, Laura
- (social, environmental, economic - solution making thru inclusion - drive #collectivegenius and tech-forward innovation practices)
- (over 700 middle & high school youth elected as Chief Science Officers (CSOs) in their school, already scaled to AZ-GA-MI-OR-WNY-NJ-Kuwait-Mexico-Kenya)
- (Memphis-based rapid skills for CS/Tech for school and post school talent includes playground tech learning)
- (scaled to 9 states, pandemic rapid essentials access for those who lost jobs + new skills training & job routing)
- and (Grace Hopper Celebration brings together >22,000 women in CS/tech, working to de-bias tech)
- (neighbor-to-neighbor food delivery - builds technology that powers local government programs to deliver essential items to vulnerable community members - program of
- and (expand storytelling & engagement/interest of more people, tap into their interests - film and programs re Active STEM/STEAM engagement of youth)
- Juanma, Carlos, Alvaro
- Ane
- Youyang
- Antonin
- Ohad
- Camron
- Jennifer/(Alex)
- Denis
- Romain, Zach
- Sameera
- ? Paul, Kris
11:00A EDT Tue April 28
- video
- background, process
- projects, intros
- Rui
- Dina
- Zach
- David
- Kohshi, Alfonso
- Josef
- Izhar
- Fred
- Bruce
- Kumar
- Megan (shift7 - curate build-back-better rapid-proto/distro teams), Jeanne (LA)
- (social, environmental, economic - solution making thru inclusion)
- (LA - college data-science city collaboration -- work on your hometown for your homework, broadens participation)
10:00A EDT Tue April 21
- video
- background, process
- post-surge pace
- demand-driven vs schedule?
- projects, intros
- hospital approvals
- Pranam
- Kamau
- Lydia
- Zach, Erik
- Camron
- Nicolas, Denis
- Jonathan
- higher-resolution simulation
- other modeling needs?
- Max
- Manu
- Saul
10:00A EDT Tue April 14 meeting
- video
- background, process, schedule
- projects, intros
- Jifei: swabs
- Avi, Izhar: swabs
- Zach
- HMI remote (live demo)
- Alfonso: kirigami intubation station
- Tim: mask machine
- Matt: mask CFD+testing
- Camron, Alfonso: Filter material characterization
- material database:
- filter efficiency instrument:
- Milan, Tomas: CoroVent
- Bill, Armand: Zund
- Stephanie
- Danny: worker-owned cooperatives
- Ben, Yael: safe map
10:00A EDT Tue April 7 meeting
- video
- background, process
- projects, intros
- Marty: shields
- James: shields
- Zach, Alfonso
- milled multi-layer shields
- intubation
- Matt: masks
- Jifei, Alfonso: swabs
- Sanjay: PPE
- Lars: gowns
- Giovanni: ventilator
- Sai: ventilator
- Michael: fabrics, testing
- Lydia: modeling, transmission
- Amory: immune system
- filter media
- Filippos, Camron: electrospinning
- Jennifer: Tyvek
- Paloma: wood
- Camron: pressure sensors
- UV
3/31/20 9:00A EDT meeting
- video
- projects, intros
- Greg, Camron: particle testing
- Jennifer, James: materials
- Alex: E-Vent
- Elazer: coordination
- Marty, Robyn: shields
- Zach: intubation
- Jifei, Alfonso, Nicolas: swabs
- George, Paul: pumps and blowers
- Jonathan: CFD
- Jan: DARPA
3/23/20 meeting
- video
- prototyping updates, trials, investigations
- testing
- shields
- helmets
- filter media
- masks
- urgent needs
- surgical gowns, hair nets
- production of sterile PPE in non-sterile workspaces
- swabs
- pipette tips, PCR cuvettes
3/17/20 meeting
- video
- requests, potential projects
- filter nanoparticle testing
- filter cartridge and mask design
- filter melt spinning
- filter electrospinning
- CPAP helmet
- CPAP instrumented machine
- DIY mask materials
MIT CBA prototyping and diagnostics
MIT CBA projects
- active project links
- framed face shield:
- frameless face shield:
- electrospun filter production:
- mask filter testing:
- positive pressure helmets:
- minimal ACE2 binder:
- origami inspired mask design:
- intubation box:
- Medical Face Shield
- shelved projects
- melt-blown polypropylene filter elements:
Projects shared by the network
- shields
- Fast stackable parametric Face Shield for A4 sheets (hospital approved), Germany
- HARDWAREX-Origami FaceShield_Mar 2020
- Shield + EVA foam | Shield + 3D printed frame, United States of America
- Face Shields - Rapid Response, United States of America
- Face Shield, U Wisconsin (vetted by medical team at OSCMS Details)
- Face Shield, Croatia
- Face Shield, Hong Kong
- Laser cut Medical Shield
- Open Source Face Shield, United States of America
- Protective visor, Sweden
- Protective Face Shield, Belgium
- Visors, Euskadi
- Green Lab - Low Cost Face Shield
- HSRW Visor - FabLab Kamp-Lintfort - Germany
- ZLEM-1 Medical Face Shield, Kvantorium Novatoria, Ivanovo, Russia
- AgriLab's Face Shield, 57 units produced in 30 minutes
- masks
- Pneumask: Reusable Full-Face Snorkel Mask PPE Project, Prakash Lab
- Project 1000 x 1000, A cotton-candy (Rotary jet spinning) machine for distributed manufacturing of N95 mask filter material, Prakash Lab
- Particle Filtration Efficiency Test Protocol, Prakash Lab
- Covid19 Face mask - for laser cutter
- EasyMask, France
- Replacement surgical masks (several designs vetted by medical team at OSCMS)
- Hack The Pandemic N95 masks, Copper3D, Chile
- Self Made Mask, Fred Yu, Taiwan
- Mask from neuroscientist and dentist in Montana
- TN Mask 2020, Tunisia
- Reusable Doble Marco
- Lasercut protection wearables for COVID-19 from Fab Lab Aldeias do Xisto
- scrubs
- For the love of scrubs A0 and A4 prints of scrubs and some instructions in varied formats
- decontamination
- DIY UVC light decontamination toolkit
- testing
- Nasopharyngeal Swabs, Belgium
- Rapid (15 min) COVID-19 Testing, Ireland
- Probe Free Detection Assay, India
- ventilators
- Ventilator Remote Controller Project, Prakash Lab
- MIT Emergency Ventilator (E-Vent) Project
- Open Air Project, UK
- Open Source Ventilator - OpenLung BVM Ventilator, Ireland
- Valve Sensor
- Specifications for simple open source mechanical ventilator, United States of America
- Medtronic design files for the PB560 ventilator system available to the public
- other needs
- Handwashing station, El Salvador
- covid-19 key chain for opening doors and pushing buttons
- Handwashing Timer
Standards and Specifications
- COVID-19 Supply Chain Response: collection represents a coordinated effort among the FDA, VA, and America Makes to connect healthcare providers and 3D printing organizations
- World Health Organization, Medical devices regulatory systems at country level
- Specification for ventilators to be used in UK hospitals during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak
- Coronavirus: European standards for medical supplies made freely available to facilitate increase of production
Repair and Restoration
- The Restart Project, UK
Literature Reviews
- DIY Masks, El Salvador
- Analysis of Open Source COVID-19 Pandemic Ventilator Projects
Calls to Action
- 3D printable respirators, Sudan
- Viva Lab Porto, Portugal
- Ultimaker
- Code Life Ventilator Challenge, until March 31, 2020
Upcoming Meetings
Past Meetings
- FabTalks | Avances de la red FabLaT frente al COVID-19
- MWOB Projects of Hope: Intubation, March 24, 2020, 10pm to 11pm EST
- Boston Area Makers COVID-19 Meetup, March 23, 2020, 2pm to 3pm EST
- Bio Summit Community Call, March 20, 2020, 12pm EST
- MWOB Projects of Hope, March 19, 2020, 8pm to 9pm EST
- Leemos sobre mascarillas DIY y propagación de virus en el foro coronavirus makers
Lectures and Talks
- TED Connects Community and Hope
- Cyber Coastal, Coronavirus Data Visualization Playlist, United States of America
Upcoming Hackathons
Past Hackathons
- Hack for Wuhan, March 6-8, 2020
- Solve4COVID19, India, March 22, 2020
- Der WirVsVirus Hackathon, March 20-22, 2020
- GIMA SATURIMETRO OXY-3 | Pulsossimetro da dito portatile professionale, misura il livello di ossigeno nel sangue e il battito cardiaco. 2 pile incluse, display SpO2 orientabile
- Project Covid, news and information, United States of America
- Covid 19 Passenger Manifest, Kenya
- Coronavirus fever detection system
- democratiz3D, Embodi3D LLC, United States of America
- InVesalius 3, Information Tecnology Center Renato Archer, Brazil
- NVIDIA Parabricks
- OrtogOnBlender add-on, BlenderNation
Local Resources and Guides
- 3D Printer Crowdsourcing for COVID-19 (Responses)
-, Corona Care Maker Initiatives
- covid19resources | Etherpad
- Free face masks for Makerspaces and Fablabs, China
- Handbook Covid-19 Perú
- Open Source COVID19 Medical Supplies: Our Intent, Needs, and Your Role
- Ultimaker printing hub map
Online Groups
- Coronavirus Makers, Spain
- Open Source COVID19 Medical Supplies
- Global Community Bio Summit
- Fab Care
- Open Source COVID-19 Medical Supplies Survey
Blog Posts
Průša, J. (2020, March 18). From Design to Mass 3D printing of Medical Shields in Three Days. Prusaprinters Blog.
Young, B. (2016, November 19). There’s more than just 0’s and 1’s, A journey from analog to digital, ending somewhere in the middle. Medium.
Farré, R., Montserrat, J. M., Solana, G., Gozal, D., & Navajas, D. (2019). Easy-to-build and affordable continuous positive airway pressure CPAP device for adult patients in low-income countries. European Respiratory Journal, 53(5).
Neyman, G. and Irvin, C.B. (2006), A Single Ventilator for Multiple Simulated Patients to Meet Disaster Surge. Academic Emergency Medicine, 13: 1246-1249. doi:10.1197/j.aem.2006.05.009
Oliveira, Mileny Ximenes, Capistrano, Amilton dos Reis, Rosa, Suélia de Siqueira Rodrigues Fleury, Silva, José Felício, Rocha, Adson Ferreira da, & Carvalho, Hervaldo Sampaio. (2014). Control system for continuous positive airway pressure. Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Biomédica, 30(2), 102-113.
Radonovich LJ, Simberkoff MS, Bessesen MT, et al. N95 Respirators vs Medical Masks for Preventing Influenza Among Health Care Personnel: A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA. 2019;322(9):824–833. doi:10.1001/jama.2019.11645
van Doremalen N, Bushmaker T, Morris DH, Holbrook MG, Gamble A, Williamson BN, et al. Aerosol and Surface Stability of SARS-CoV-2 as Compared with SARS-CoV-1. New England Journal of Medicine. 2020 Mar 17;0(0):null.
Darwood, A., McCanny, J., Kwasnicki, R., Martin, B., & Jones, P. (2019). The design and evaluation of a novel low‐cost portable ventilator. Anaesthesia, 74(11), 1406-1415.