# How to align your Fab Lab / Makerspace with the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
## How to prepare and run a workshop and to consolidate its results
The purpose of the workshop is to help fab labs / makerspaces / innovation centers (or whatever community organization) to align their organizations with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). With some changes it could be applied to any community organization.
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## Folder: Sessions
2018 Pictures and evaluations on FAB14 session
2019 Set-up of FAB15 blast and workshop (Fab Labs and SDGs; the next round) with subdirectories for fab15-sources, fab15-kit, fab-15-outcomes
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## Folder: Workshop-kit
All you need to run the latest version of the local fab lab workshop.
## Folder: Sources
Files to prepare the workshop-kit files.
## Folder: Sessions
Pictures and evaluations on past sessions
# Authors
* Pieter van der Hijden (The Netherlands & Suriname) (chair)