@@ -26,3 +26,33 @@ The cobra project... Starts here...
- Yuichi
- end effectors
- spindle
## Programming with EDBG Atmel ICE
Once you have your [hello.serial-UPDI.FT230X](http://academy.cba.mit.edu/classes/embedded_programming/index.html#programmers) or [hello.CMSIS-DAP.4.D11C](http://academy.cba.mit.edu/classes/embedded_programming/index.html#programmers) ARM programmer board ready, use [EDBG](https://github.com/ataradov/edbg). Clone it with `git`, install dependencies and run `make all` to compile it. It will produce an executable `edbg` in its home folder. If you have an Atmel ICE with the board connected, use a modified version of the command below to program the ARM board.
`-t` stands for your ARM chip type. In this case it is D11C or samd11. You can check it from the datasheet. You can check all the EDBG supported types by running `edbg -t list`.
`-b` stands for verbose output.
`-p` stands for program, to program the chip.
`-v` stands for memory verification.
`-s` stands for the serial number of your programmer.
### Serial Number
You can tell the serial number of your programmer as follows.
**On Linux** use `dmesg` command.
**On Mac** use `lsusb` command.
Try to disconnect your programmer, run the command, connect it and run the command again to compare the output and find the correct device and its serial number.