@@ -50,9 +50,6 @@ So I found the system of having the corner cut plus another cut.
### Step
The laser cut nesting [^2] was created using..
The principle was that a phrase or a word is generated on a Steganography website.
Steganography is a technique to hide messages and transform them in binary codes. It can also be used to change pixels of an image and hide a code there.
@@ -60,13 +57,14 @@ So I wrote the phrase "I love you af omg", translated in binary codes.
I had to make them by shaping them on illustrator fisrt. Some parts were not perfectly repeated and when I did the test, laser cutting them through passing them in Inskape and ............
I had to make them by shaping them on illustrator fisrt. Some parts were not perfectly repeated and when I did the test, laser cutting them through passing them in Inskape and then the laser cut program.
We had to find the good speed of laser cut because the blue fabric I was using was not in the software.
I was using blue Suede fabric for the "ones" and black Neoprene for the "zeros".
We made few testes of laser cut for blue Suede. We cut few squares to see how the corners would come out better.