@@ -173,13 +173,33 @@ Iron not great on wool or silk because it damages the fiber
We'll use a printing technique from India with printing paste:
For printing we'll Make Acetate as a mordant
For alum (acétate d'alumine) : 1l vinegar for 100g alum (or 60g alumin sulfate which is easier to dissolve) + 50g cristaux de soude (that help the alum dissolve)
For acétate de fer, same recipe but with 60g de sulfate de fer
For alum (acétate d'alumine) :
Add gomme de guar to make the liquid into a paste (for textile)
About 1% and has to be dissolved quickly to avoid lumps
- 1l vinegar for 100g alum (or 60g alumin sulfate which is easier to dissolve) + 50g cristaux de soude (that help the alum dissolve)
- For acétate de fer, same recipe but with 60g de sulfate de fer
- Add gomme de guar to make the liquid into a paste (for textile)
- About 1% and has to be dissolved quickly to avoid lumps
For paper other subtances can be used (agar agar, wax...)
🥽 Same weight between acetate and plant juice.
- 50g alumina or iron acetate
- 50g dye liquid
- Thickeners :
o Guar gum
o Waxes
o Gelatine
o Rice flour
o Or any other thickener
Utensils :
- Beaker
- Balance
- Mixer
🥽 When the inks are used on the textile you need to steam for 1h to fix them.
The inks are less solid / less resistant than the printing paste.
This paste is applied to the fabric, then let it dry, the fabric will be like cardboard where it's printed
The print, made in mordant, will be invisible
@@ -193,6 +213,8 @@ Then we dunk the fabric in a dye bath and the color will only hold where the mor
Adding color directly in the printing paste will make an ink.
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