From what we got presented on the tutorials, we had to think about body motions, pumps, walk, blow, sit down, that has a air reaction.
I decided to work on an organic-looking kind of structure, that seemed a bit like organs and animate it through pumps in an ephemereal small sculpture.
## References & Inspiration
@@ -57,6 +57,8 @@ The one I ended up using
I first made some organ like little structures out of alginate.
I displayed the Calcium Chlorure on a plane surface and then made a ball of alginate with the shape i wanted and extracted the indide of it to create an organ looking small structure.
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@@ -66,9 +68,12 @@ I first made some organ like little structures out of alginate.
### Step 1
Then I blowed the structure to see if it would work with an electric pump.
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As it was working in the way I wanted it to blow I had to look for the right code to get the Arduino controll the rythme of the electric pump.