@@ -26,7 +26,9 @@ The outcomes of the selection are threefold: 1) a number of documentation tools
###1. Tools and templates for documenting "new naturals"
-[**a manifesto for archiving new naturals**](./outcomes/new_naturals_manifesto/), comprised of a list of considerations I've come to find very helpful in thinking about the archiving practices of new naturals;

-[**a manifesto for archiving new naturals**](./outcomes/new_naturals_manifesto), comprised of a list of considerations I've come to find very helpful in thinking about the archiving practices of new naturals;
-[**a video tutorial**](./outcomes/tools_and_templates/tactilityvideo/) for capturing the tactile experience of material samples
-[**a template to document recipes**](./outcomes/recipe_template/), to help you capture the entire process, while asking the hard contextual questions and document relevant considerations when developing new recipes and consideration applications and scale. Colleague fabricademer Beatriz Sandini tested and used the templates to document the recipes of her project [Ephemeral Fashion Lab](https://class.textile-academy.org/2020/beatriz.sandini/projects/0-final-project/).
-[**a template to document ingredients**](./outcomes/ingredient_template/), helping you ask the hard questions and document relevant considerations for adopting new ingredients and additives, also in terms of upscaling.