*And here's the proof ;) playing when button pressed, silent otherwise, Loes Bogers, 2019*
**Controlling a soft speaker with a DFPlayer Mini**
This board with a mini SD card holder that can work standalone or with an Arduino (not with the ATtiny though). You could make a full soft MP3 player with this chip! This is the [DFplayer Wiki](https://wiki.dfrobot.com/DFPlayer_Mini_SKU_DFR0299) and here's [Liza's code](https://github.com/lizastark/Projects/tree/master/Sonic_Quilt/dfMini_tutorial) to start with.
This board with a mini SD card holder that can work standalone or with an Arduino (not with the ATtiny though). You could make a full soft MP3 player with this chip! This is the [DFplayer Wiki](https://wiki.dfrobot.com/DFPlayer_Mini_SKU_DFR0299) and here's [Liza's code](https://github.com/lizastark/Projects/tree/master/Sonic_Quilt/dfMini_tutorial) to start with. I documented how I work with ATiny extensively for week 5, which you can read [here](https://class.textile-academy.org/2020/loes.bogers/assignments/week05/)
>The DFPlayer Mini MP3 Player For Arduino is a small and low price MP3 module with an simplified output directly to the speaker. The module can be used as a stand alone module with attached battery, speaker and push buttons or used in combination with an Arduino UNO or any other with RX/TX capabilities. – DF Player Wiki
@@ -125,10 +129,6 @@ This board with a mini SD card holder that can work standalone or with an Arduin
[](../images/wk10_pin_map_desc_en.png)*DFPlayer Mini Pinout, source: [DFPlayer wiki](https://wiki.dfrobot.com/DFPlayer_Mini_SKU_DFR0299)*