##towards a context-aware global material commons: what's in *your* local archive?
##towards a context-aware global material commons: what's in *your* local archive?
*Crafted material samples, Loes Bogers, 2020*
**The goal of this project was to explore and develop simple methods for open archiving of socalled "new naturals"\*. The outcomes are developed to work toward a collaborative, global - but context-aware - material archive....**
**The goal of this project was to explore and develop simple methods for open archiving of socalled "new naturals"\*. The outcomes are developed to work toward a collaborative, global - but context-aware - material archive....**
- that is not only ecologically, but also historically, culturally, geographically aware;
- that is not only ecologically, but also historically, culturally, geographically aware;
@@ -167,10 +167,8 @@ In the same way that family recipes are contested, and cooks claim to have the "
@@ -167,10 +167,8 @@ In the same way that family recipes are contested, and cooks claim to have the "
A platform like Materiom might also benefit from acknowledging more explicitly where these crafts practices are coming from, and taking a more critical stance as to when something is *more sustainable*. As no material is perfect or without issues, we need more concrete handles for assessing the ethics of using certain materials in particular context or applications. Expanding the amount and type of entry fields required when submitting a new recipe could potentially help the community of "material nerds" deepen their understanding of what they are working with, so material activism extends beyond the ecological, into the social, cultural, political, and technical.
A platform like Materiom might also benefit from acknowledging more explicitly where these crafts practices are coming from, and taking a more critical stance as to when something is *more sustainable*. As no material is perfect or without issues, we need more concrete handles for assessing the ethics of using certain materials in particular context or applications. Expanding the amount and type of entry fields required when submitting a new recipe could potentially help the community of "material nerds" deepen their understanding of what they are working with, so material activism extends beyond the ecological, into the social, cultural, political, and technical.
*Shooting a tactility impression for archiving, Loes Bogers, 2020*
*Shooting a tactility impression for archiving, Loes Bogers, 2020*
-**Materials ecoefficiency and perception** by Beatrice Lerma, in Proceedings: CESB 2010 Prague - Central Europe towards Sustainable Building 'From Theory to Practice', 2010: pp. 1-8.
-**Materials ecoefficiency and perception** by Beatrice Lerma, in Proceedings: CESB 2010 Prague - Central Europe towards Sustainable Building 'From Theory to Practice', 2010: pp. 1-8.
@@ -182,7 +180,4 @@ A platform like Materiom might also benefit from acknowledging more explicitly w
@@ -182,7 +180,4 @@ A platform like Materiom might also benefit from acknowledging more explicitly w
-**The Secrets of Bioplastic** by Clara Davis (Fabtex, IAAC, Fab Lab Barcelona), 2017, [link](https://issuu.com/nat_arc/docs/the_secrets_of_bioplastic_).
-**The Secrets of Bioplastic** by Clara Davis (Fabtex, IAAC, Fab Lab Barcelona), 2017, [link](https://issuu.com/nat_arc/docs/the_secrets_of_bioplastic_).
-**The Bioplastics Cookbook: A Catalogue of Bioplastics Recipes** by Margaret Dunne for Fabtextiles, 2018, [link](https://issuu.com/nat_arc/docs/bioplastic_cook_book_3)
-**The Bioplastics Cookbook: A Catalogue of Bioplastics Recipes** by Margaret Dunne for Fabtextiles, 2018, [link](https://issuu.com/nat_arc/docs/bioplastic_cook_book_3)
-**DAMADEI: Design & Advanced Materials as a Driver of European Innovation**, by Damadei project committee, funded by the European Commission, 2013.
-**DAMADEI: Design & Advanced Materials as a Driver of European Innovation**, by Damadei project committee, funded by the European Commission, 2013.
-**Material Archive** by TextileLab Waag, Amsterdam (Cecilia Raspanti, Maria Viftrup and others), 2016-ongoing.
-**Material Archive** by TextileLab Waag, Amsterdam (Cecilia Raspanti, Maria Viftrup and others), 2016-ongoing.