<li>The Code-Source preview window displays the loaded G-Code file for the session. No additional parameters are needed as all instructions are embedded in the G-Code.</li>
<li>The Real-Time values panel, located on the left side, shows live machine coordinates, feed rate, and spindle speed.</li>
<li>The Toolbox window includes two frequently used options:
<li><strong>Reset Zero:</strong> Resets the machine's zero point to the current coordinates.</li>
<li><strong>Return To Zero:</strong> Moves the machine back to its original zero coordinates.</li>
<li>The Visualizer window shows the tool’s real-time movement and highlights completed portions of the toolpath.</li>
But when trying to cut this figure we noticed that our setup is inverted, so we needed to mirror the image around Y-Axis. On the image below we are trying to
understand what change should be applied to out G-Code to make the proccess doable by our machine.
<li>It is also possible to check the final design in the 3D view.</li>
<p>I got some Design Rule Checks errors, as you can see on the screen 2. The error "Input Power pin is not driven by any Output Power pins" - error
occurs when a power input pin (e.g., VCC or GND) on a component is not connected to any power output source, such as a voltage regulator, power supply, or battery.
In my case it was because I had 2 Power Sources on the board, which was a mistake, and the 2nd was not connected to the power pin an caused the error. Also sometimes to fix this error
you need to use PWR_FLAG symbol in KiCAD to indicate that a net is being powered externally. This symbol helps the Design Rule Check (DRC) understand that the net is intentionally powered and suppresses this warning.
The second error "Pin not connected" usually means that pin was not connected. If it's by design, wi should you speceal Not Connectd (NC) symbol to mark such pins.</p>