<p>To work on 3D files, I mostly used Freecad, because I forgot about Onshape right after trying it out ^^' !</p>
<p>I still have a lot to learn to use it correctly but I'm getting to it.</p>
<p>But designing in 3D still is hard for me, even if these programs are easy to use!</p>
<p>For Inkscape, I'm used to Illustrator so it's really hard for me to like this program but I'm getting used to it and some functions, like vectorize a bitmap image or preparing an embroidery file, are well done. But my heart is still balancing on Illustrator's side !</p>
<p>One last thing that I want to say/question : WHY CAN'T ALL THE PROGRAM HAVE THE SAME SHORTCUTS FOR MOVING OBJECTS AND PAGES ! (right-mouse-click, left-mouse-click, center-mous-click, space bar, ctrl button, and more !)</p>