<p>Last week's assignment pointed out a video problem on my website.</p>
<p>After trying A LOT of changes and programs and tips from the Fab Academy family we finally found the problem : MY SMARTPHONE ! <br>
Even though it's a Samsung A53, not so old then, the video files had a first wrong compression to be uploaded on some internet browsers (in this case Firefox).</p>
<p>I haven't changed the files yet because I'm not sure I will be able to reuse them. If it's the case, I'll document on it ! ;)</p>
<spanclass="image object">
<p>We had trouble with the 3D scanner as told above and it took a lot of time to finally start with it. We quickly went through it so I will try it again later.</p>
<p>For my individual assignment I had several ideas but as 3D design is not part of my skills and I'd like to stay in my "cat theme" for the exercices, I finally decided to make a "cat toy ball" and to try out a "voronoid type" of pattern for the holes.</p>
<p>I understood quickly that my first choice of 3D software, Freecad, wasn't meant for this kind of result. I couldn't even find a video tutorial showing me the steps.</p>
<p>So I tried out Fusion360 for the first time and helped myself by checking for a tutorial on Youtube (my best friend since the beginning of the assignments !).</p>
<p>It went well with the tutorial but I still had some trouble to find out where to click, where to change parameters, etc. And I was really slow at working on such simple bodies. But now I tried this one too and will continue to try some objects on both softwares !</p>
<p>Last issue that made me learn something new is that I pushed my files on the cloud forgetting to delete the "test videos" files from my "video problem resolving" and this push was OF COURSE rejected because of the file sizes.</p>
<p>I thought I would just have to delete them and push the website again but it didn't work !</p>
<p>Even though my big video files weren't in the folder anymore, the pushed size still was big, as if the files were still there...</p>
<p>We checked with my instructor and didn't find a good solution at first, so I simply cloned the website in a new folder and continued with this one.</p>
<p>But on the presentation day, I pushed again a too big file (this time my STL file from my assignment) and the problem started again...</p>
<p>I didn't want to clone my website again so I tried one process that my instructor found the first time but didn't seem to work and by adding a simple step : TADAAAAA IT WORKED !</p>
<p>SO for those having the same problem, here is my solution !</p>
<p>Problem = you push a file too big that results by a rejection and no possibilities to push again any other modification, even if the big file was deleted.</p>
<p>SOLUTION :</p>
<li>Enter the right folder with CMD (in my case : C:\Users\fab-c\fabacademy\site2ok\charlotte-vandenbulcke\public>)</li>
<li>Add : git log --oneline --graph</li>
<li>Check which commit was the last before uploading the big file in the list generated and count the place in this list (in my case it was the 4th commit in the list)</li>
<li>Add : git reset --soft HEAD~4 (4=the place of the last commit)</li>
<li>Check with a git log --oneline --graph again if you're in the right place</li>
<li>Make a small change in one of your html file before checking the git status (we didn't the first time we tried and started the pushing steps right away. That's why nothing changed and we thought it wasn't working)</li>
<li>Start again the pushing steps with "git status", "git add -A", "git commit -m" and "git push"</li>
<p>If you followw these steps, it should go back to normal ! ;)</p>
<p>If not, do not hesitate to contact me to check together ! :)</p>