<p>As I love learning new stuff, I jumped right in in the Fab Academy when it was offered to me as I joined the FabLab team in Charleroi (Belgium) !</p>
<p>My previous job had also a FabLab but I was working on another project and didn't have the opportunity to test the machines (except for the laser cutter but it was for a personal project).</p>
<p>My previous job also had a FabLab but I was working on another project and didn't have the opportunity to test the machines (except for the laser cutter but it was for a personal project).</p>
<p>It was really frustrating for me and I'm really glad to be able to catch up on it this year !</p>
<p>Outside of work, I love nature, plants, walking (mostly in the Black Forest in Germany), reading, photography (with a digital camera but also with analog ones by using the lomography techniques), sewing,...</p>
<p>But most of all <strong>I LOVE CATS</strong> ! And mine at first !</p>
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<imgclass="about"src="images/croq.jpg"alt="Picture of Charlotte Vandenbulcke's lovely perfect tabby cat !"/>
<p>As a cat lover and also a craft person (drawing, sewing, DIY-ing,...), I built a little business in pet accessories a few years ago, with the help of a business incubator.</p>
<p>So, as a cat lover and also a craft person (drawing, sewing, DIY-ing,...), I built a little business in pet accessories a few years ago, with the help of a business incubator.</p>
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<ahref="https://mysweetneko.be/en/"target="_blank"><imgsrc="images/My-Sweet-Neko-website.jpg"alt="Printscreen of My Sweet Neko's website"/></a>