<p>I chose to work on a basic box as it will be the base form for my final project. By already cutting it in a smaller size in this assignment, I can have a first idea of the possibilities of construction.</p>
<spanclass="image object">
<imgsrc="../images/.."alt="Picture of the 3D box design."/>
<imgsrc="../images/3D-box-design-gravini.jpg"alt="Picture of the 3D box design."/>
<p>Even if I entered the right parameters, the pieces didn't stick together so I'll have to try it again.</p>
<p>I've also designed a simple little hexagone piece with notches in Inkscape.</p>
<spanclass="image object">
<imgsrc="../images/Inkscape-first-object-done.jpg"alt="Picture of the notched hexagone design."/>
<p>I started by cutting 2 of them to verify that they would fit together, which they did (woohoo !).</p>
<spanclass="image object">
<imgsrc="../images/simple-hexagone-with-notches.jpg"alt="Picture of the 3D box design."/>
<p>I cut a dozen more to be able to create new bigger 3D pieces.</p>
<spanclass="image object">
<imgsrc="../images/model1-made-with-notched-hexagones.jpg"alt="Picture of the 3D box design."/>
<spanclass="image object">
<imgsrc="../images/model2-made-with-notched-hexagones.jpg"alt="Picture of the 3D box design."/>
<p>Of course I couldn't finish the assignement without making at least one ... tadaaaaa :</p>
<spanclass="image object">
<imgsrc="../images/.."alt="Picture of the focus process."/>
<imgsrc="../images/3D-wooden-cat-puzzle.jpg"alt="Picture of the focus process."/>
<spanclass="image object">
<imgsrc="../images/3D-wooden-cat-puzzle2.jpg"alt="Picture of the focus process."/>
<p>Yes, A CAT ! :D</p>
@@ -295,13 +316,13 @@
<p>First, I vectorised the Fab Academy logo and measured the place on the notebook. Then I made sure to adjust the vectorised file in Inkscape to fit in.</p>
<spanclass="image object">
<imgsrc="../images/.."alt="Printscreen of the vectorised Fab Academy logo in Inkscape with the size informations."/>
<imgsrc="../images/fabacademy-logo-for-vinyl-cut.jpg"alt="Printscreen of the vectorised Fab Academy logo in Inkscape with the size informations."/>
<p>After saving the file in .pdf format, I opened it in the vinyl cutter program, "Summa GoSign".</p>
<spanclass="image object">
<imgsrc="../images/.."alt="Picture of the .. vinyl cutting machine."/>
<imgsrc="../images/opening-file-in-gosign.jpg"alt="Picture of the .. vinyl cutting machine."/>
<p>All I had to do then is :</p>
@@ -316,9 +337,34 @@
<p>Once the machine is done, I had to remove the excess around my design, which is called weeding.</p>
<spanclass="image object">
<imgsrc="../images/vinyl-weeding.jpg"alt="Picture of the .. vinyl cutting machine."/>
<spanclass="image object">
<imgsrc="../images/vinyl-excess-weeding.jpg"alt="Picture of the .. vinyl cutting machine."/>
<p>Then I put a transfer paper on it to remove the design from the protection sheet without displacing the different pieces.</p>
<spanclass="image object">
<imgsrc="../images/tape-transfer-application.jpg"alt="Picture of the .. vinyl cutting machine."/>
<spanclass="image object">
<imgsrc="../images/logo-on-tape-transfer.jpg"alt="Picture of the .. vinyl cutting machine."/>
<p>And finally I placed and sticked it on my notebook, taking care of removing the air bubbles with the squeegee and avoid wrinkles.</p>
<spanclass="image object">
<imgsrc="../images/vinyl-application-on-notebook.jpg"alt="Picture of the .. vinyl cutting machine."/>
<spanclass="image object">
<imgsrc="../images/notebook-with-logo-and-vinyl-tools.jpg"alt="Picture of the .. vinyl cutting machine."/>