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Jorge Valerio Araoz's avatar
Jorge Valerio Araoz committed
        <h1 style="text-align:center;"><b>Carved Gourd Bot</b></h1>
          The members of the group are architects. Our interest arises in some architectural element. In this case, a kinetic window that can create different textures through the movement of some of its parts to allow the passage of light in order to create visual sensations.


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Jorge Valerio Araoz committed
Jorge Valerio Araoz's avatar
Jorge Valerio Araoz committed

              <img src="assets/img/group_01/Imagen1.jpg" class="img-fluid" alt=""><br><br>
Jorge Valerio Araoz's avatar
Jorge Valerio Araoz committed
        <h3><b>SELECTING THE MACHINE TO DESIGN</b></h3>
Jorge Valerio Araoz's avatar
Jorge Valerio Araoz committed
              <img src="assets/img/group_01/Imagen2.jpg" class="img-fluid" alt=""><br><br>
              We reviewed different options, to work with, and decide to ensemble a machine that could draw some geometric lines on
                <a href=""><b>Mates Burilados</b></a>,
                Peruvians handmade traditional crafts. These crafts are produced by carving gourds with exceptionally detailed 
                representations of rural communities’ life. The gourds grow at the Peruvian coast, and they are sold as touristic
                 handicraft. The productive process is complex, there are no patterns, thus, every product is unique, each output
                  relies on artisan abilities and inspiration. Hence, there is a limitation to increase their production, which curtail
                  their growth.
                  (<a href=""><b>Barreras de exportación de mates burilados en el anexo de Cochas Chico, Huancayo en el año 2020</b></a>) <br><br> 
Jorge Valerio Araoz's avatar
Jorge Valerio Araoz committed
                  Thus, we though that some carved guidelines could be produce with a machine. We search for examples, 
                  or similar machines that could draw on geometry irregular surfaces. Our instructor suggested to look for machines
                   that draw lines on eggs, also known as egg-bots. We’ve got some example that could be useful, even some commercial


        <h3><b>BENCHMARKING PROCESS</b></h3>
              <a href=""><b>Sphere-O-Bot</b></a>
              a CNC machine design by JJRobots to draw basic figures over eggs. 
              The key components in this design (as you can see in the picture) are:<br>
                <li>2x 1.8deg HIGH QUALITY NEMA 17 Stepper motors (40mm length) (4.4Kg/cm torque)</li>
                <li>1x SG90 servo</li>
                <li>DEVIA Robotics Control Board</li>
                <li>2x A4988 Stepper motor drivers</li>

              <img src="assets/img/group_01/Imagen3.jpg" class="img-fluid" alt=""><br><br>

              The barrier with this design was the use of DEVIA Board, because is not available locally. 
              However, we decide to test the framework’s design. <br><br>
              <img src="assets/img/group_01/Imagen4.jpg" class="img-fluid" alt=""><br>
              (This is the design shared by the web site) <br><br>

              We also found, <a href=""><b>The EggBot Pro</b></a>,
              a commercial device that uses a main framework of solid aluminium. This product allows to decorate different objects (that could be bigger that an egg).
               Also controlled by high-torque precision stepping motors, with pen lift mechanism is a quiet and reliable servo motor.
              They use 16× microstepping to give a resolution of 3200 steps/revolution in both axes.
              We noticed that this design uses NEMA 17 Stepper Motor Mounting Brackets. Similar to the ones used in some 3D printer models.
               Thus, we decided to include them in our main frame design, instead of printing them, and ensure stability.

               <img src="assets/img/group_01/Imagen5.jpg" class="img-fluid" alt=""><br><br>

               <a href=""><b>Engraving Easter Eggs with the Egg Laser </b></a>, we found this variation of the egg-bot that cotains a laser to engrave eggs, 
               created by and that you can find in its Youtube channel. Instead of a pen, it uses a water cooled 1 W laser diode. 
               In this case the main frame is made of aluminium. And we believe that could be a second stage of our project,
               because we will need to import the laser diode and test it with a different main frame and components.

               <img src="assets/img/group_01/Imagen5.jpg" class="img-fluid" alt=""><br><br>

              Small prototypes were made to explore the movement and fabrics of the panels. We explore various vertical structures for the movement of the panels. We study wood, plastic and aluminum. This allowed us to make decisions. We decided to use wood for the vertical axes as it was light in weight, had good stiffness and was easy to work with.<br><br>

              <img src="assets/img/group_02/Imagen4.jpg" class="img-fluid" alt=""><br><br>
              <img src="assets/img/group_02/Imagen5.jpg" class="img-fluid" alt=""><br><br>

              <b>DIGITAL PROCESS</b><br><br>
              Gear design was the trickiest part. It helped us a lot to have the example of Pixel Facade.<br><br>
              Each of the pieces was digitally designed in autocad:<br>

                <li>The gears. It helped us a lot to have the example of Pixel Facade.</li>
                <li>MDF frame to support the entire window.</li>
                <li>MDF base to hide the mechanical and electronic system</li>
                <li>Square panels</li>
                <li>Vertical structure and panel connection piece</li>

              <img src="assets/img/group_02/Imagen6.jpg" class="img-fluid" alt=""><br><br>
              <img src="assets/img/group_02/Imagen7.jpg" class="img-fluid" alt=""><br><br>

              For the manufacture of gears and acrylic joint parts, it was exported from autocad to PDF. The file was opened in CorelDraw and run on the laser cutting machine. The internal parameters of 4mm acrylic cutting were imported. Several models were printed until the vertical wooden structure fits into the holes of the gears.<br><br>
              For the manufacture of acrylic panels, it was exported from autocad to PDF. The file was opened in CorelDraw and run on the laser cutting machine. 2mm acrylic cutting internal parameters were imported.<br><br>
              For the manufacture of MDF panels, it was exported from autocad to PDF. The file was opened in CorelDraw and run on the laser cutting machine. Internal 2mm wood cutting parameters were imported.<br><br>
              For the manufacture of the base and the frame of the MDF window it was exported from autocad to PDF. The file was opened in Inkscape and saved in .SVG format. With the Online JSCUT application, the cutting code for the CNC mill machine was created.<br><br>

              <img src="assets/img/group_02/Imagen8.jpg" class="img-fluid" alt=""><br><br>
              <img src="assets/img/group_02/Imagen9.jpg" class="img-fluid" alt=""><br><br>
              <img src="assets/img/group_02/Imagen10.jpg" class="img-fluid" alt=""><br><br>

              Some manual tests were made for the correct operation of the mechanical gear system.<br><br>

              <img src="assets/img/group_02/Imagen11.jpg" class="img-fluid" alt=""><br><br>

              The window frame was made of 15mm MDF.<br><br>

              <img src="assets/img/group_02/Imagen12.jpg" class="img-fluid" alt=""><br><br>

              Joined the gear system with the window frame<br><br>

              <img src="assets/img/group_02/Imagen13.jpg" class="img-fluid" alt=""><br><br>

              The fabric of the panels was explored creating different textures through movement<br><br>

              <img src="assets/img/group_02/Imagen14.jpg" class="img-fluid" alt=""><br><br>
              <img src="assets/img/group_02/Imagen15.jpg" class="img-fluid" alt=""><br><br>

              It was decided to give it more visual complexity with a printed image. With the help of the cutting plotter, we cut the self-adhesive vinyl to cover the pixels. <br><br>

              <img src="assets/img/group_02/Imagen16.jpg" class="img-fluid" alt=""><br><br>

              A servo motor was purchased to move the gear system. This is where we had the most problems. On some occasions the pieces got stuck and did not rotate. We had to assemble the whole system several times in such a way that the panels were fixed and did not collide with each other in the turn. It was hard work and time invested.<br><br>
              We opted to place LED lights to improve visual sensations.<br><br>

              <img src="assets/img/group_02/Imagen17.jpg" class="img-fluid" alt=""><br><br>

              An arduino 1 board was also bought to program the motor and the lights.<br><br>

              We use the Arduino IDE software to program. We correctly connect the cables to the computer and start programming, we define the type of motor and its speed, in this case a stepper motor, finally the time it will rotate and the sequences it will follow.<br><br>
              Finally we tested it manually and the mechanism worked, after programming we tested it by connecting it to the power supply and it also worked.<br><br>
              You can see the code below:<br><br>

              //initialize the stepper library on pins 8 through 11:<br>
              Stepper myStepper(stepsPerRevolution, 8, 9 , 10, 11);<br><br>

              void setup() {<br>
              //set the speed at 50 rpm:<br>

              void loop() {<br>
              //number of turns<br>
              int n = 5;<br>
              //time in seconds<br>
              int t1 = 5;<br>
              //time in seconds<br>
              int t2 = 60;<br>
              // step n revolutions in the other direction<br>

              //step n revolutions in the other direction:<br>

            <img src="assets/img/group_02/Imagen18.jpg" class="img-fluid" alt=""><br><br>

            The end result was as follows: A completely transparent face is presented. With another twist you can see the Fab Academy logo. In another you can see different colors of vinyl-coated MDF prisons. In addition, the light frames the window.<br><br>

            <img src="assets/img/group_02/Imagen19.jpg" class="img-fluid" alt=""><br><br>

            Materials list:<br>

              <li>Servo Motor</li>
              <li>ARDUINO UNO</li>
              <li>led lights</li>
              <li>wooden slats</li>

      <h3><b>FUTURE OF THE MACHINE</b></h3>

              It is the first machine we make and in that sense it has changed our way of perceiving architectural elements. In this experience of making the kinetic window, we observe a great potential to continue exploring the spatial qualities that the envelope can give us in buildings. The window in particular is the contact between the environment and the interior of the room.<br><br>
              You can still scan the axes of rotation in multiple directions and not just one axis of rotation. More sensory elements can be inserted to create different atmospheres through textures, colors, movement, etc.<br><br>
              There are many possibilities to make this a commercial product. Prototyping is one of the great tools that helps us create, improve and carry out projects. It has been very interesting to participate in this experience.<br><br>


              As architects we are used to designing static architectural elements. It was a challenge for us to think of movement through gears and axis of rotation. The work will help us in future jobs since we learned mechanical and automation processes.<br><br>

              <a href="assets/files/ventana.dwg" download="CAD file">CAD file</a><br><br>

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