<metaname="description"content="Fab Academy documentation site for Your Name">
<title>Your name - Fab Academy</title>
<ahref="index.html">Weekly Assignments</a>
<ahref="final-project.html">Final Project</a>
<ahref="about.html">About me</a>
<h1>Welcome to Zaid Abusini Fab Academy site!</h1>
Zaid Is an Engineer. You can edit this <ahref="https://www.w3schools.com/html/default.asp"target="_blank">HTML</a> on <ahref="http://gitlab.fabcloud.org"target="_blank">Gitlab Fabcloud</a>. Below you can find a example list to organize each week's documentation into separate pages. You can also change the looks of your website by using <ahref="https://www.w3schools.com/css/default.asp"target="_blank">CSS</a> with the <code>style.css</code> file.
<h2>Weekly assignments</h2>
<olstyle="list-style: none;">
<!-- This is how you can link to another page. Never use absolute paths (starting with /) when linking pages, always relative. -->
<p>Source code hosted at <ahref="https://gitlab.fabcloud.org/academany/fabacademy/2024/labs/bahrain/students/zaid-abusini">fabcloud/fabacademy/2024/zaid-abusini</a></p>