Zaid Abusini authoredZaid Abusini authored
title: 9. Stand Design And Fabrication
date: 2024-04-11
After finalizing all the Housing Part and the needed to have every thing working as needed, Now I need to design and fabricate the stand for the housing to sit on and also enclosure for the PM2.5 Sensor --> This Is why I have decided to build this part.
This part needs to be simple and compact, able to carry the housing piece and contain the PM2.5 sensor without any complications.
Let's Start designing this part
I will use Also ONShape to design --> For more Information about the process of designing using ONshape Please refer to this LINK.
I will build My design to look rounded as my Main piece so I will go with cylindrical shape.
Now I will start a sketch and I will draw a circle with 50 mm diameter.
- Then I will Extrude this by 5 mm to work as a base for the entire model.
- Then I will sketch the base of the sensor (PM2.5).
I will use this sketch from the Sensor data sheet as a reference.
- I will have the sensor in the vertical position.
- Then I will extrude to include the height of the sensor.
Here I have added 0.5 mm clearance to make sure the sensor will fit but also will be tight so it wont fall if the stand is carried.
- Then I will extrude remove the back side of the shape to insert and remove the sensor from this side.
- NOw I will use the back of the shape to sketch the ventilation of the sensor.
- THen I will Extrude remove the sketch.
- Then I will sketch and extrude the top of the sensor.
- Now The Sensor Enclosure Is done and I need to think of a shape that can hold the main housing piece.
I had a lot in mind to sketch but nothing was reliable and make sense to me because as always I want something simple and easy to build.
So I thought of having a half circle that holds the housing, another option was two sticks and holding the piece as a fork. but nothing was enough for my mind to build.
I took a break and then I remembered (Iron man and his glowing heart
🤣 ) --> So I decided to have the top part to look as a hand and this piece is contained in this hand.
Lets build the hand.
So I started a sketch on the top of the sensor container piece.
- Then I will extrude these parts.
- Then I will Sketch a spline on one of the Fingers
🤓 to be then revolved (remove).
- Before I revolve remove the spline I will reduce the height of the big finger
😅 .
- Now I will revolve remove the spline shape.
Here we go the Stand Is ready NOW.
Now Lets Fabricate the STand Using the 3D printer.
I will use Cura to slice the file.
Here I will use 0.2 layer height and 10 % infill but I will use support to handle the 90 degree overhang I have.
NOw this print will take 6 hours which is a bit long for me.
Lets go ahead and print it.
Your browser does not support the video tag. Your browser does not support the video tag.More Information about how to prepare the printer please refer to this LINK
Here We go the Stand Is ready
Your browser does not support the video tag.Alhamdollelah All what I need is now Done and In a perfect condition as I want.