I was invited to tag along with the MIT CBA class How to Make Something that Makes (almost) Anything in the spring of 2024, OMG! I'm making Baksi more capable there:
I was invited to participate in How to Make Something that Makes (almost) Anything in the spring of 2024! I'm making Baksi more capable there:
[Baksi on my MIT Machine Class page](https://fab.cba.mit.edu/classes/865.24/people/svavar/system/baksi/){ .md-button }
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ First thing: The [Fab Academy](https://fabacademy.org/) is open for anyone who w
[{: style="width:100%"}](https://vimeo.com/835552516#t=6:17)*Presenting my final project.*
The Fab Academy is the most remarkable educational program I know of. Every year, engineers like me, artists with no technical background, PhD students, high school students and students of the school of life meet up online every Wednesday for the Fab Academy class. Everyone starts at different levels and everyone is required to go outside their comfort zone every week. I'm familiar with CAD, so in CAD week I tried polygon modeling in Blender. After Neil's dizzying lecture on the week's subject, you have until next Wednesday to make something that works, and document it thoroughly.
The Fab Academy is the most remarkable educational program I know of. Every year, engineers like me, artists with no technical background, PhD students, high school students and students of the school of life meet up online every Wednesday for the Fab Academy class. Everyone starts at different levels and everyone is required to go outside their comfort zone every week. I'm familiar with mechanical CAD, so in CAD week I tried artistic polygon modeling in Blender. After Neil's dizzying lecture on the week's subject, you have until next Wednesday to make something that works, and document it thoroughly.
I spoke about my Fab Academy experience to new students at the 2024 Student Bootcamp:
<p>I was invited to tag along with the MIT CBA class How to Make Something that Makes (almost) Anything in the spring of 2024, OMG! I'm making Baksi more capable there:</p>
<p>I was invited to participate in How to Make Something that Makes (almost) Anything in the spring of 2024! I'm making Baksi more capable there:</p>
<p><aclass="md-button"href="https://fab.cba.mit.edu/classes/865.24/people/svavar/system/baksi/">Baksi on my MIT Machine Class page</a></p>
<h2id="fab-academy-assignments">Fab Academy Assignments</h2>
<p>First thing: The <ahref="https://fabacademy.org/">Fab Academy</a> is open for anyone who wants to make things. There are no prerequisites, and it's basically the same as the legendary MIT class <ahref="https://fab.cba.mit.edu/classes/MAS.863/">How To Make (almost) Anything</a>. Because of the world wide network of <ahref="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fab_lab">Fab Labs</a>, anyone in the world can <ahref="https://fabacademy.org/apply/registration.html#how-can-i-join-the-program">apply</a> to the Fab Academy and drink from the firehose of cutting edge technology and whimsical stories that is <ahref="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neil_Gershenfeld">Professor Neil Gershenfeld</a>, the director of the MIT <ahref="https://cba.mit.edu/">Center for Bits and Atoms</a>. </p>
<p><ahref="https://vimeo.com/835552516#t=6:17"><imgalt="Fab Academy Class 2023"src="final-project/images/fab_academy_community.jpg"style="width:100%"/></a><em>Presenting my final project.</em></p>
<p>The Fab Academy is the most remarkable educational program I know of. Every year, engineers like me, artists with no technical background, PhD students, high school students and students of the school of life meet up online every Wednesday for the Fab Academy class. Everyone starts at different levels and everyone is required to go outside their comfort zone every week. I'm familiar with CAD, so in CAD week I tried polygon modeling in Blender. After Neil's dizzying lecture on the week's subject, you have until next Wednesday to make something that works, and document it thoroughly.</p>
<p>The Fab Academy is the most remarkable educational program I know of. Every year, engineers like me, artists with no technical background, PhD students, high school students and students of the school of life meet up online every Wednesday for the Fab Academy class. Everyone starts at different levels and everyone is required to go outside their comfort zone every week. I'm familiar with mechanical CAD, so in CAD week I tried artistic polygon modeling in Blender. After Neil's dizzying lecture on the week's subject, you have until next Wednesday to make something that works, and document it thoroughly.</p>
<p>I spoke about my Fab Academy experience to new students at the 2024 Student Bootcamp:</p>