</video>*Small cupboard with access control. It uses Nicholas De Coster's [USB Quick Charge hack](https://fabacademy.org/2018/labs/fablabulb/students/nicolas-decoster/alumnus/projects/qc/) to supply the solenoid lock with 12V from a small USB power supply.*
I received a group of primary school students who were interested in 3D printing, so I showed them TinkerCAD and asked if they had email addresses to sign up. Some did, some couldn't remember, I opened up the Part workbench in Ondsel instead and showed them how to make basic shapes, resize and move them to assemble what they wanted. After a little less than two hours, they had produced this:
*Primary school student designs in Ondsel ES!*
<p><em>Small cupboard with access control. It uses Nicholas De Coster's <ahref="https://fabacademy.org/2018/labs/fablabulb/students/nicolas-decoster/alumnus/projects/qc/">USB Quick Charge hack</a> to supply the solenoid lock with 12V from a small USB power supply.</em></p>
<p>I received a group of primary school students who were interested in 3D printing, so I showed them TinkerCAD and asked if they had email addresses to sign up. Some did, some couldn't remember, I opened up the Part workbench in Ondsel instead and showed them how to make basic shapes, resize and move them to assemble what they wanted. After a little less than two hours, they had produced this:</p>
<p><imgalt="Primary school work in Ondsel ES"src="https://www.fabisa.is/N%C3%A1msefni/Grunnskoli/images/ondsel-primary-school.gif"/><em>Primary school student designs in Ondsel ES!</em></p>
<p>When I realized that Ondsel/FreeCAD is a capable CAD program, I no longer needed Windows. So I've been daily driving Linux Mint since March of 2024 (<ahref="https://files.svavar.cc/computers/thinkpad/">my settings</a>) and Þórarinn joined me this fall. Mint is the friendliest distro, without sacrificing any power or compatibility.</p>