<p>A smart doorbell that sense the existence of a person automatically and generates the doorbell sound. This project will consists of two units. One unit will be outside home to sense objects and transmit signals through wireless communication to the inside home unit to generate the bell sound immediatly as it receives the signal. </p>
<h3>1. Outdoor Unit</h3>
<h5> This unit consists of: </h5>
<b> 1. ESP32CAM microcontroller (as MCU) in a PCB<br>
2. Ultrasonic sensor <br>
3. Slide Switch <br>
4. 3.5mm Screw Terminal <br>
5. 2x 8 Pin Female Header <br>
6. FTDI Header <br>
7. 2500mAh Lithium Ion (LiPo) Battery <br>
8. 5V Boost for Lithium Battery JX-887YDC Boost Converter <br>
9. Neopixle LEDs strip </b>
<h3> Packaging </h3>
<h4> 3D Design</h4>
<p> I used Autodesk Fusion360 to design the packaging of this unit. I saved the design in two ways, one to be cut by the Laser Cutting Machine and one to be printed by a 3D printer. </p>
<p>- While connecting the esp32 with the pc through the FTDI cabel, the esp becomes very hot, which means that there could be a short circuit either in the board or in the esp32cam. I tested the board alone by using the multimeter and its fine there is no short circuit. Then I tested the esp32cam alone and its fine there is no short circuit. After that I checked them together by connect the esp32cam with the board and using the multimeter to check if there is a short circuit between the vcc and gnd. Yes, there is a short circuit now. <br>
The problem is that the right side of the esp32cam is fliped in the board and I forget to connect the vcc pin at that side.
I fixed the circuit board from the schematic and I milled a new PCB. </p><br>
<h4> Power </h4>
<p>This unit is powered by Lithium Ion Battery and a 5V boost module for Lithium Battery JX-887Y to convert the 3.8V coming from the battery to 5V to power the ESP32CAM, the Ultrasonic sensor and the Neopixel LEDs. </p><br>
<p> I used Wireless communication in this project by using Bluetooth in ESP32CAM in the outdoor unit and Bluetooth in indoor unit which is an Android phone and tablet. </p>
<p>In <ahref="http://fabacademy.org/2021/labs/uae/students/sara-alhadhrami/week15.html">Interface and Application</a> week I described how I used MIT APP Inventor to design the App that I used in an Android tablet. With the App I connected Bluetooth in the tablet with my smart doorbell. </p>
<h4> Programming </h4>
<p> This is the <ahref="assets/design/Final_code/Final_code.ino">link</a> of the final code I used to control the ESP32CAM microcontroller with the Ultrasonic sensor and the NeoPixel LEDs plus the Bluetooth communication between the PCB and the App. </p>
<p>Then I milled another board. I realized here that I switched between VCC and ECO pins. I fixed that by cutting the traces and solder it again by using wire for the vcc and I soldered the eco trace directly. </p>
<p> After that I found another mistake. I reversed the right side of the ESP32CAM header which caused short circuit between VCC and GND. Finally I fixed the design and I milled the board agian. </p>
<h2> My Future Plan: </h2>
<h4> Indoor Unit</h4>
<p>This unit will consists of: <br>
- ATtiny44 <br>
- DC Buzzer <br>
- Hc-05 Bluetooth Module
<h5>Electronics </h5>
<p> I used <b> Autodesk Eagle </b>to design Printed Circuit Board of this unit. </p>
<h4>Packaging </h4>
<h5> 3D Design</h5>
<p> I used Autodesk Fusion360 to design the packaging of this unit. </p>
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<divclass="col-lg-4 text-align: centre">This template from <ahref="https://startbootstrap.com/themes">Bootstrap.com</a><br> Edited by Sara Alhadhrami 2021</div>