<h4id="design"style="border-bottom: 6px solid yellow; background-color: lightgrey"><strong>Ultrasonic Sensor with Arduino Board</strong></h4>
<h4id="design"style="border-bottom: 6px solid yellow; background-color: lightgrey"><strong>Ultrasonic Sensor with Arduino Board</strong></h4>
<pstyle="justify-content: center"><strong>Now I have availed the ultrasonic sensor and Arduino board. So I am trying to make the connection and write the programm for
<pstyle="justify-content: center"><strong>Now I have availed the ultrasonic sensor and Arduino board at home. So I am trying to make the connection and write the programm for
to read the sensor and print it on serial on monitor. Here I am putting the video of the connection and reading on serial monitor. </strong></p>
to read the sensor and print it on serial on monitor. Here I am putting the video of the connection and reading on serial monitor. </strong></p>
<h4id="design"style="border-bottom: 6px solid yellow; background-color: lightgrey"><strong>Design of Smoke Sensor Board</strong></h4>
<h4id="design"style="border-bottom: 6px solid yellow; background-color: lightgrey"><strong>Design of Smoke Sensor Board</strong></h4>
<pstyle="justify-content: center"><strong> For final project, i have required smoke sensor, to sense the smoke get exhausted from the burning of fuel in kitchen for cooking.
<pstyle="justify-content: center"><strong> For final project, i have required smoke sensor, to sense the smoke get exhausted from the burning of fuel in kitchen for cooking.
When the sensor sense the smoke, it will gives signal to the board and fan of the chimeny will get start. The smoke from the kitchen will get exhausted to the outside. So here i am trying to develope the board of
When the sensor sense the smoke, it will gives signal to the microcontroller and fan of the chimeny will get start. The smoke from the kitchen will get exhausted to the outside. So here i am trying to develope the board of
smoke sensor. I am using smoke sensor module, so the 4 pins are provided on the board to connecte the module. ATtiny 44 IC is used for the board. The Eagle software is used to design the board.The connection of the
smoke sensor. I am using smoke sensor module, so the 4 pins are provided on the board to connecte the module. ATtiny 44 IC is used for the board. The Eagle software is used to design the board.The connection of the
in Eagle software is as belows. </strong></p>
in Eagle software is as belows. The schematic of the PCB is as follows:</strong></p>
<pstyle="justify-content: center"><strong> Now I am went to the lab from 22 June and start working on the project work. Firstly I am milling this input board on SRM-20 milling machine. The design of the board from the eagle software firstly exported as a png file.
The this png file is converted into rml file using fab mods (details about this procedure is given in my assignment 5 and 7). Then the rml is loaded to the machine for trace and cut the PCB. </strong></p>
@@ -133,12 +133,219 @@ Following are the allowance need to consider during patterna making <br>
@@ -133,12 +133,219 @@ Following are the allowance need to consider during patterna making <br>
<p><strong> Another difference in them is the way of material is put into the machines, in injection moulding small piece of plastic called “Pellets” are used while in 3D printing “filament” is used. </strong></p>
<p><strong> Another difference in them is the way of material is put into the machines, in injection moulding small piece of plastic called “Pellets” are used while in 3D printing “filament” is used. </strong></p>
<p><strong> The task for the week is to design a mold around the stock and tooling that we are using, mill it (rough cut + (at least) three-axis finish cut), and use it to cast parts </strong></p>
<p><strong> The task for the week is to design a mold , mill it and use it to cast parts. So I am decided to crate the design our project i.e. smart kitchen chimeny and paste this casted part on the body of chimeny.
I am using FreeCAD software for the design. Basically in Fab Academy, split pattern are used to create the cast. So that why we need to split item in two parts, one is female part and second is male part. Then assemble is to create the cast.<br>
Here is my design of male and female part. </strong></p>
<p><strong> There are the three process during milling 1. Surfacing 2. Roughing 3. Finishing. For to create toolpath for miiling we have used Modella 4 software.let us see the stepwise procedure. <br>
Firslty open the software>open the file (saved in .stl formatt)
<p><strong> Open the model option (on right top corner)>select the size and orientation and origin of the model>then select the material for milling (here we are using Modeling Wax)</strong></p>
<p><strong> Now click on New Process Creation> select the process we required>firstly we are going for surfacing so surfacing is selected> create the process</strong></p>
<p><strong> In the same way I am creating the three process> the software shows you the cuttting path on the material. Now set the X, Y and Z point for the tool on the material using SRM-20 V pannel. <br>
Before this I have to paste the wax block on the bed of the machine and attach the drill bit. The first image shows the available wax for milling, second shown drill bit specification i.e. 1/8 inch Ti-Namite Coated End Mill is used.
and third image shown the hows the wax is pasted on bed so for pasting I am using extra glue, it has pasted with help of glue gun.</strong></p>
<p><strong> Ohh..but there is two issue in male pattern. one is in air vent, the machine make the slot there and second one is the at the extruded circle, the material will not get properly remove, because the space available for drill bit is less than its diameter so it will not
<p><strong> But the time required is too much so I decided to solve this here without new part milling. So I have mold some wax and fill it into the slot at air vent and for second issue I have the hot tool and remove the extra material from there. Now the pattern is ready</strong></p>