<pstyle="justify-content: center"><strong> FreeCAD is open source software which is used for 2D and 3D drawing. For vector 2D design, i have also tried a FreeCAD.
I tried a parametric design in FreeCAD, which is a part my Assignment 3 <br> Open the software>select sketcher workbench in dropdown menu>draw any drawing here i have
drawn hexagon>dimesnion is put to the side by using the menu on top bar</strong></p><br>
<pstyle="justify-content: center"><strong> FreeCAD is open source software which is used for 2D and 3D drawing. For vector 2D design, I have also tried a FreeCAD.
I tried a parametric design in FreeCAD, which is a part my Assignment 3 <br> Open the software>select sketcher workbench in dropdown menu>draw any drawing here I have
<pstyle="justify-content: center"><strong> Give the required angle to the line , by using the angle menu from top. The first slot is ready now </strong></p>
<pstyle="justify-content: center"><strong> With reference to first slot applied on side, same slot is given on side and applying constraints from this slot </strong></p>
<pstyle="justify-content: center"><strong> With reference to first slot applied on side, same slot we can draw on another side and applying the same constraints as like first slot </strong></p>