@@ -49,9 +49,8 @@ But it shows me unclear toolpaths with default settings, for both the traces and
I'm not sure why these errors occured. I try using FabModules with the same files and same settings. And it works perfectly. So I guess Mods has a different way to read these files.
### Settings
- Group assignment: characterize the design rules for your PCB production process
- IndiviSelect **input format: png** (same as the file downloaded)
Select the traces file from your directory
- Select **input format: png** (same as the file downloaded)
• Select the traces file from your directory
The input section on the rights shows the meta info of the image. Check the resolution is **1000 dpi** and the overall size. The - image is 1:1 so the PCB will be the same size as mentioned here.
Select **output format: rml** (depends on the machine you use; Roland machines use rml)
Select **machine** from the dropdown: **SRM-20** (I'm using this at the lab)