After the job finishes, move the Z maximum again and change the endmill to a 1/32in for cutting the outline. Use the same process as above and set a new Z origin. Do not change the XY origin this time, as it needs to match the previous job. Upload the outline rml to the output file list and start cutting.
This is how the cut result looks at the end of both jobs.
First I inspected the board visually to check if all the traces were clear from solder bits and all the connections were clean. I also checked if all components were soldered on the correct footprints and in the correct orientation.

First I inspected the board visually to check if all the traces were clear from solder bits and all the connections were clean. I also checked if all components were soldered on the correct footprints and in the correct orientation.
Next, I make assemble a ribbon cable, 6 thin cables connected side by side with female headers at both ends. Trick is to keep booth ends in the same orientation to correct and quickly attach the headers. After presseing them lightly, I used a mallet to fix them properly.

Next, I make assemble a ribbon cable, 6 thin cables connected side by side with female headers at both ends. Trick is to keep booth ends in the same orientation to correct and quickly attach the headers. After presseing them lightly, I used a mallet to fix them properly.
To program the board, there are steps you need to follow to install the development environment first. I follow them from [this tutorial]( and [this guide](./images/ep/avr_steps.pdf).
@@ -155,15 +156,16 @@ Installed [homebrew]( package manager. In a terminal window pas