For my final project, I want to make a versatile lamp.
A light source that can keep resultant light on a surface constant irrespective of external daylight.
Also, to add some mechanics and automation, make the form versatile to change it from being indirect light, ambient and a task light whenever required.
CAD - to make a 3D model, animation and render.
Inputs - light sensors to measure light colour, temperature and illuminance
Output - Multicolor LED to change output to match resultant light
CAM - to make the form/packaging
3D printing - joints or unusual Parts
Network and Communication - Automate it to customise function
Electronic design, production and embedded programming - To make a specific PCB
Interface and Application programming - To make a phone app to as an Interface
[Initial sketches](./images/final-project/sketch.jpg)
For the origami form: [Meduse Lamp](
For the light app: [Philips Hue](
[Bang & Olufsen](
For mechanics: