@@ -19,6 +17,7 @@ I’m currently working on a book project with Letizia Chiappini and Geert Lovin
I know Shirley back from when I did the Fabacademy in 2015. It put a lot of nice projects in motion for us and led to a great friendship! My final project was a toy for wunderkammers, that I loved making and am still proud of because of all the work and learning that went into it. I also feel quite ambivalent about it now, because it was such a self-indulgent thing to create in a way. At the same time the skills I learned were invaluable, and the process has shaped my thinking on the meaning of making and the kind of knowledge created by developing intimate knowledge of tools, materials and general craftsmanship.
*Video of my final project from Fabacademy, Loes Bogers, 2015*
## Why fabricademy?
@@ -35,12 +34,14 @@ I have a BA in Media and Cultural Studies from the University of Amsterdam and a
This is a project where I looked into dance systems and dynamics of music, migration, spaces and touch. For one experiment I hacked two pair of tap dancing shoes to make a sound system that can be turned on and off as people touch or let go. The very start of my love affair with electronics!

*image by Loes Bogers, 2010*
### Dancecoding
During a residency at Kitchen Budapest, I did this dancecoding project with local contact improvisation dancers and the developers of Fluxus: a livecoding language used for performative programming. We did a week of dancecoding jams to explore formats, techniques and modes of collaboration during arts exhibition SZOB|A|R|T.
*video documentation of dancecoding project, Loes Bogers, 2011*
### The Body Recovery Unit
I founded the Body Recovery Unit with Alexandra Joensson. BRU is an arts-based feminist research group that works with healthcare practitioners, activists and community groups in London to look at the ways in which logics and demands of data-driven health care reform impact the body, everyday practices and relationships on UK maternity wards. More info [here](https://thebodyrecoveryunit.wordpress.com/)
@@ -49,7 +50,7 @@ I founded the Body Recovery Unit with Alexandra Joensson. BRU is an arts-based f
Earlier this year I joined [Hackers & Designers](https://hackersanddesigners.nl/s/Summer_Academy_2019): an initiative that attempts to break down the barriers between the two fields by enforcing a common vocabulary through education, hacks and collaboration. One of the first projects I worked on with them was the Hackers & Designers Summer Academy on the theme of *Coded Bodies* where we did loads of experiments with different technologies and how they relate to our understanding and experience of the body.

One of the things I really enjoyed working on was this party outfit I made with Anja Groten & Julliette Lizotte during Erik Overmeire's 2-day workshop on wearables. It was inspired by Kajsa Dahlberg's fantastic film [*Reach, Grasp, Move, Position, Apply Force*](http://kajsadahlberg.com/work/reach-grasp-move-position-apply-force/)(2014-2015), about the bodily regimes and Methods-Time-Measurement systems in the context of Amazon fulfilment centers. Highly recommended.
@@ -58,7 +59,7 @@ One of the things I really enjoyed working on was this party outfit I made with
I saw [Jessica's work](https://class.textile-academy.org/2019/jessica.stanley/projects/00final-project/) at the last Fabricademy expo in Amsterdam. Super nicely done.
@@ -69,12 +70,12 @@ And also her voronoi for [computational couture](https://class.textile-academy.o
And the pleat switch and this sensor below. OMG Jessica stop it nowwww I'm totally fangirling your fabricademy page. This makes me think I will really enjoy the electronics work in the next few months.
[Teresa](https://class.textile-academy.org/2019/teresa.vantwuijver/assignments/week05/) made this nice soft sensor using smock embroidery. I'd seen a similar thing on kobakant once, wow it's soooooo nice.
*Teresa van Twuijver, 2019*
Her [circular fashion designs](https://class.textile-academy.org/2019/teresa.vantwuijver/assignments/week03/) are also quite cool!
@@ -91,23 +92,23 @@ This is something I've been obsessed with for a long time. I think the innovativ
**House of Holographic Hoes and Milk X Hana Quist**
A local house who did an amazing show at last year's superball, with over the top LED powered gowns. I mean, I really don't like LED strips so much, especially not in clothing but context IS everything.
A local house who did an amazing show at last year's superball, with over the top LED powered gowns. I mean, I don't really like LED strips so much, especially not in clothing but context IS everything.
Or drag performer Milk in this knitted number by Hana Quist. Oh yes.

*Left: House of Holographic Hoes at Paradiso's Superball, 2019. Right: Drag performer Milk in a knitted garment by Hana Quist*
**Other fabulous drag performers and style queens**
Such as Aynouk Tan - you can worry about the clothing mountain - or just dress up as one. I think [her thinking and personal style](https://www.aynouktan.com/) are really out there.
*Aynouk Tan with a mic and smiling lady in black*
**I bow to Valeska Jasso Collado for her graduation collection**
These theatrical garments have an amazing genderclowning vibe about them, they remind me of [1920s Bauhaus costumes](https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/U4wEGXhe1duKVyacjE6z3KsIFZg=/0x0:1000x645/1200x800/filters:focal(420x243:580x403)/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/57322995/escola_bauhaus.0.0.jpg)and I love it! She folded latex-covered foam into [geometric garments](https://www.dezeen.com/2014/06/09/valeska-jasso-collado-westminster-fashion-collection/).

*image by Valeska Jasso Colado*
### Textile artists/designers/upcyclists/hackers
@@ -122,7 +123,7 @@ I really enjoy the hectic **embellishments by Justyna Wolodkiewicz** and the one
**Coral Love Stories by Kasia Molga (and Erik Overmeire)** below is such a beautiful combination of fashion and electronics and thermochromic pigments. It's very subtle, unlike some other sources of inspiration but I just think this is beautifully done and tells an important story about shringking coral reefs.
<divstyle="padding:56.25% 0 0 0;position:relative;"><iframesrc="https://player.vimeo.com/video/211299558?color=00d554&byline=0&portrait=0"style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0;width:100%;height:100%;"frameborder="0"allow="autoplay; fullscreen"allowfullscreen></iframe></div><script src="https://player.vimeo.com/api/player.js"></script>*Coral Love Story by Kasia Molga (with Erik Overmeire and Ricardo O'Nascimento)*
And let's not forget the amazing experiments and documentation done by **[Plusea on the Kobakant How to Get What You Want page](https://www.kobakant.at/DIY/)**, such as this beardy sway sensor....*bows*.