@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ The goal of this project was to explore and develop simple methods for open mate
-[**template to add new ingredients**](./templates/new_ingredient), helping you ask the hard questions and document relevant considerations when contributing new recipes to the database.
-[**templates for labels**](./templates/labels) to create your own physical archive with material samples (building on the work of Maria Viftrup for TextileLab Waag).
-[**a glossary of terms**](./glossary), explaining the key terms used here (in progress)
-[**an educators' note**](./educators_note) with some suggestions for how this archive might be incorporated into classes oriented to designing/material research/critical making/design & crafts history/machine building classes.
-[**an educators' note**](./z_educators_note) with some suggestions for how this archive might be incorporated into classes oriented to designing/material research/critical making/design & crafts history/machine building classes.