Dye of yellow onion skins, Loes Bogers, 2020
Dye made of yellow onion skins, gives golden/yellow and orange to brown tones. Onion skin dye is relatively colorfast compared to other natural dyes. It dyes animal-based fibres like silk and wool quite well, less intense on linen and cotton (plant-based fibres).
Physical form
Pastes, gels & liquids
Color without additives: Golden yellow
Fabrication time
Preparation time: 2 Hours
Processing time: for dying is variable (overnight for intense color on silk)
Need attention: the entire processing time (temperature and stirring)
Final form achieved after: 2 hours
Estimated cost (consumables)
0,02 Euros, for a yield of approx. 200 ml
- Yellow onion skins - 10 g this is the dye stuff
- water - 500 ml/g solvent to extract the pigment from the onion
- vinegar - 30 ml to make the bath acidic (alkaline water reduced the reds from the onion skins, adding vinegar makes it warmer, more orange).
- salt - 5 g as a stabilizer
- a coffee filter to filter the fine particles from the dye
- a clove for preservation
- optional: PH modifiers (see this recipe)
- optional: a piece of silk, or aquarel paper and a brush for testing.
- Cooker
- Pot
- A spoon
- A cheese cloth or coffee filter
- A strainer
- A glass jar to store the dye
Approx. 200 ml
- Weigh the onion skins.
Extract the pigment
- Put the onion skins in a large pot and cover with water, add the vinegar.
- Bring it to the boil and let it simmer for 2 hours (make sure not all the water evaporates), the skins should get very mushy.
- Strain and filter the liquid and put it back in the pot
- Reduce the liquid to 25% of the original volume for a very concentrated dye or ink. Add salt to stabilize.
Testing and storing the ink/dye
- To dye silk: let the dye cool until it's no more than 70 degrees and put in a piece or wet (mordanted) silk. Leave overnight for an intense color.
- Test the ink on paper using a brush and aquarel paper.
- To store: add a clove to the ink, label it, and store in the fridge or freeze. If it starts to grow mold or smells weird/different than cabbage smell, through it away.
Dyeing with onion dye
- Optional (not necessary) mordant the fibres with alum for color fastness
- Put the wet fibres in the dyebath and simmer for an hour, then leave overnight
- Rinse and dry
- Optional: modify with PH modifiers
###Process pictures
Saving up onion skins in a glass jar, Loes Bogers, 2020
10 g is enough to make a dye, Loes Bogers, 2020
Cover the skins with water, Loes Bogers, 2020
Bring to the boil and let it simmer to extract the color, Loes Bogers, 2020
Strain the liquid, Loes Bogers, 2020
Filter the liquid, Loes Bogers, 2020
Adding some silk for dyeing (and a clove for preservation), Loes Bogers, 2020
Onion skin dye in a jar, Loes Bogers, 2020
- Add a binder such as arabic gum to create a nicer flow if you wish to use this ink for painting and arts, not dyeing textiles.
- Make dyes for other kinds of food waste, like used coffee grounds (light browns), old coffee (deep browns), PH sensitive beetroot dye (vintage pinks and salmon tones) etc. Or research and consider dyes from dried goods like turmeric powder (bright yellow), PH sensitive hibiscus tea (purple, blues, greens and gray).
- Try making this dye with the skin of red onions
- Add some onion skins - or onion skin liquor - to another natural dye to give it some more warm yellow undertones.
- Make dyes from other food waste: such as the stones of avocados (put 2-3 of them in a bag and crush with a hammer) and boil in water with a teaspoon of soda for 2 hours. It creates fine red/brown inks and pink textile dyes.
Cultural origins of this recipe
Onion dye is commonly used all over the world to dye yarns, fibres, eggs and even hair in golden yellow tones.
Needs further research? Yes
Where were such dyes first used? Have yellow onions always been around locally or did they travel?
###Key Sources