25 recipes to start your own archive of material samples, and learn some of the most important techniques to start your own R&D lab for design materials.
| Nr | Title | Approx. Price | Image | Link |
| 1 | Biofoam | €0,50 |  | [Recipe](../../files/recipes/biofoam/) |
| 2 | Extra Flexible Foil| €0,78 |  | [Recipe](../../files/recipes/biofoilextraflexible) |
| 3 | Bioresin | €2,56 |  | [Recipe](../../files/recipes/bioresin) |
| 4 | Biosilicone | €1,68|  | [Recipe](../../files/recipes/biosilicon) |
| 5 | Starch rubber | €2,26 |  | [Recipe](../../files/recipes/biorubber) |
| 6 | Biolinoleum | €0,78 |  | [Recipe](../../files/recipes/biolino) |
| 7 | Alginate net | €0,57 |  | [Recipe](../../files/recipes/alginatenet) |
| 8 | Alginate foil | €1,12 |  | [Recipe](../../files/recipes/alginatefoil) |
| 9 | Alginate string | €0,57 |  | [Recipe](../../files/recipes/alginatestring) |
| 10 | Agar foil | €0,50 |  | [Recipe](../../files/recipes/agarfoil) |
| 11 | Agar composite | €0,57 |  | [Recipe](../../files/recipes/agarcomposite) |
| 12 | Re-used PLA scraps | €0,00 |  | [Recipe](../../files/recipes/recycledPLA) |
| 13 | Alum crystal silk | €2,00 |  | [Recipe](../../files/recipes/alumcrystalsilk) |
| 14| Borax crystals | €2,25 |  | [Recipe](../../files/recipes/boraxcrystals) |
| 15| Kombucha SCOBY | €6,15 |  | [Recipe](../../files/recipes/kombuchascoby) |
| 16| Kombucha paper | €0,64 |  | [Recipe](../../files/recipes/kombuchapaper) |
| 17 | Flower paper and dye | €0,01 |  | [Recipe](../../files/recipes/flowerpaper) |
| 18 | Overripe mango leather | €0,21 |  | [Recipe](../../files/recipes/mangoleather) |
| 19 | Banana Peel Clay | €0,10 |  | [Recipe](../../files/recipes/bananaclay) |
| 20 | Tanned fish skin | €1,10 |  | [Recipe](../../files/recipes/fishskin) |
| 21| Madder dye | €2,01 |  | [Recipe](../../files/recipes/madderdye) |
| 22 | Red cabbage dye | €0,01 |  | [Recipe](../../files/recipes/cabbagedye) |
| 23 | Yellow onion skin dye | €0,02 |  | [Recipe](../../files/recipes/oniondye) |
| 24 | PH modifiers for biochromes | €0,02 |  | [Recipe](../../files/recipes/phmodifiers) |
| 25 | Bacterial dye on silk | €0,00 |  | [Recipe](../../files/recipes/bacterialdye) |