# Fab Electronics Library for KiCad This library (should) cover all the electronics components found in the official [fab inventory](http://fab.cba.mit.edu/about/fab/inv.html). Using this library should also make it easier to share KiCad project files between Mac, Windows and Linux systems. > **Warning!** the library is under active development. Naming of components can change overnight. Make sure to `git pull` the latest version before doing work. ## Installation > Make sure you have at KiCad 6 or greater installed. 1. Clone or download this repository. You may rename the directory to `fab`. 2. Store it in a safe place such as `~/kicad/libraries` or `C:/kicad/libraries`. 3. Run KiCad or open a KiCad `.pro` file. 4. Go to "Preferences / Manage Symbol Libraries" and add `fab.kicad_sym` as symbol library. 5. Go to "Preferences / Manage Footprint Libraries" and add `fab.pretty` as footprint library. 6. Go to "Preferences / Configure Paths" and add variable named **FAB** that points to the installation directory of the fab library, such as `~/kicad/libraries/fab` or `C:/kicad/libraries/fab`. This will enable the custom 3D shapes to be found. The 3D shapes project has just started and most of them have to be populated still. ## On-Going TODO - [x] Create a test script that checks if parts from fab inventory are included - [ ] Make sure all parts from the inventory are there - [ ] Fix symbols and footprints according to KLC tests using [KiCad Library Utilities](https://gitlab.com/kicad/libraries/kicad-library-utils) - [ ] Review symbol and footprint local naming conventions ## Contributing Please refer to the [CONTRIBUTING](CONTRIBUTING.md) document. Run `test.py` locally before `git push`. ## License Please refer to the [LICENSE](LICENSE) document located in this repository.