diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 60262e8003fbffa83ba1cf5305f96a2c9bb8dd03..f0c42662231f8a1bf624da139dc3d2d04d97b5fc 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -2,15 +2,17 @@
 [![all tests](https://gitlab.fabcloud.org/pub/libraries/electronics/kicad/badges/master/pipeline.svg?key_text=all+tests&key_width=60)](https://gitlab.fabcloud.org/pub/libraries/electronics/kicad/-/commits/master)
-> **What about KiCad 8?** Yes, it is KiCad 8 compatible!!!
+> **What about KiCad 8?** Yes, it is KiCad 8 compatible.
-This library includes all the electronics components listed in the official [Fab Inventory](http://inventory.fabcloud.io/). 
+> **It does not work on KiCad 7!** Yes, sorry, it is easier to maintain the library with latest KiCad. Please install KiCad 8.
+This library includes all the electronics components listed in the official [Fab Inventory](http://inventory.fabcloud.io/).
 > **Warning!** the library is under active development. Naming of components can change overnight. Make sure to `git pull` the latest version before doing work.
 ## Installation
-> Make sure you have at least **KiCad 7** or greater installed. It works fine with **Kicad 8**.
+> Make sure you have at least **KiCad 8** or greater installed.
 1. Clone or download this repository. You may rename the directory to `fab`.
 2. Store it in a safe place such as `~/kicad/libraries` or `C:/kicad/libraries`.