index 3746d717c4cbba940895240f743605ef2d8a7b0d..08ecb1c9f816217529686b983452212e7bdecbfe 100644
@@ -8,7 +8,15 @@ Please follow the [KiCad Library Convention](https://kicad-pcb.org/libraries/klc
 > Run `test.py` before pushing changes to reposotory. 
-It will check if everything is right. It will help you fix errors if any. The script is run automatically when push to the repository happens. However it is best to do it before pushing locally.
+It will check if everything is right. It will help you fix errors if any. The script is run automatically when push to the repository happens. However it is best to do it before pushing locally. The following is a list of what the script does.
+- [x] Match symbol DEF name with its F1 name
+- [x] Check if the footprint entry has a library field (fab:Part_Name)
+- [x] Check if the footprint fab.pretty/footprint.kicad_mod file exists
+- [ ] Check if the footprint file name matches the name in the file
+- [ ] Check if footprints are visible also on layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask
+- [ ] Check naming structure PartName_SizeXYZmm_Pitch
+- [ ] ...
 This library should have all the basic components and parts for the FabAcademy and it's always under construcction. If you want to contribute and add more components to the KiCad libraries, feel free to follow this manual.