# Fabricademy student documentation Visit [class.textile-academy.org](https://class.textile-academy.org/) for class and other information or read the [Documentation Tutorial](http://fabricademy.fabcloud.io/gitlab-documentation-tutorial/) for more about this site. * This website is built and published automatically using [GitLab CI](https://about.gitlab.com/gitlab-ci/), every time you edit the files in the docs folder * The markdown content is generated into a site using the Mkdocs tool, a static site generator written in Python * You can start by customizing the file `mkdocs.yml` with your information * To change the looks of your website, use the theme options found in the `mkdocs.yml` file or see the names of the available themes * If you want to start a website from scratch, you can delete everything in this repository and push your own static website ## Project layout mkdocs.yml # The site configuration file. docs/ # All site content/files should be in this folder. index.md # The homepage. files/ # Put files you'd like available in your site here (except videos) images/ # You can put your images in here ... # Other markdown pages and folders Read more about MkDocs at [mkdocs.org](https://www.mkdocs.org). ## Building locally To work locally on your computer with this project, you can start with the following the steps: 1. Fork, clone, or download this project (to your computer) 1. Either check out [official docs](https://www.mkdocs.org/user-guide/installation/) to install MkDocs on your computer. 1. Or this quick guide, if you already have python v3 install on your computer (ie. MacOS): * `pip3 install -r requirements.txt` to intall mkdocs (or just `pip`) * `python3 -m mkdocs serve` to run your site (or just `python`) 1. Now you can see the live preview of your project using this `mkdocs serve` command. * Watch the terminal output of the command for the URL to your site (e.g. ``) 1. Edit the markdown pages in the `docs` folder and see your changes in the browser. 1. To add new pages, create the markdown file in the `docs/` folder (i.e. `docs/new-page.md`) 1. Finally use GIT to push your changes to GitLab (or add manually through the "Gitlab Web IDE", check your repo page). ### Run with docker For those that know how to use Docker, you can easily run mkdocs server without installing mkdocs. Use this command with the Mkdocs-Material theme (see more info on [Docker Hub](https://hub.docker.com/r/squidfunk/mkdocs-material)). ``` docker run --rm -it -p 8000:8000 -v ${PWD}:/docs squidfunk/mkdocs-material ```