diff --git a/docs/assignments/week09.md b/docs/assignments/week09.md
index 95fa31c1b891ade71d2904c8a8a90b33ca37c3d0..8edfd26e1371fb45b81e0686a3d7c23857fb5f06 100644
--- a/docs/assignments/week09.md
+++ b/docs/assignments/week09.md
@@ -100,54 +100,6 @@ Thiner leathers take the shape more easily.
 ![describe what you see in this image](../images/week09/IMG_9588.jpg){ width=300 align=left}
 ![describe what you see in this image](../images/week09/IMG_9590.jpg){ width=300 align=right}
-## Overview material research outcomes
-_example from the documentation of [Loes Bogers](https://class.textile-academy.org/2020/loes.bogers/) TextileLab Amsterdam 2019-20_
-| [![](../images/home/sample-image.jpg)](../../../files/recipes/biofoam/) Biofoam | [![](../images/home/sample-image.jpg)](../../../files/recipes/biofoilextraflexible) Gelatin foil |[![](../images/home/sample-image.jpg)](../../../files/recipes/bioresin) Bioresin | [![](../images/home/sample-image.jpg)](../../../files/recipes/biosilicon) Biosilicone |
-|[![](../images/home/sample-image.jpg)](../../../files/recipes/biorubber) Starch Rubber | [![](../images/home/sample-image.jpg)](../../../files/recipes/biolino) Biolinoleum | [![](../images/home/sample-image.jpg)](../../../files/recipes/alginatenet) Alginate net | [![](../images/home/sample-image.jpg)](../../../files/recipes/alginatefoil) Alginate foil |
-| [![](../images/home/sample-image.jpg)](../../../files/recipes/alginatestring) Alginate string | [![](../images/home/sample-image.jpg)](../../../files/recipes/agarfoil) Agar foil | [![](../images/home/sample-image.jpg)](../../../files/recipes/agarcomposite) Bio composite | [![](../images/home/sample-image.jpg)](../../../files/recipes/recycledPLA)Reused PLA |
-## Documenting and comparing experiments
-| _Material pic_ | _Material name_ | _polymer_ | _plastifier_ | _filler_ | _emulsifier_ |
-| -------------- | --------------- | --------- | ------------ | -------- | ------------- |
-| ![](../images/home/sample-image.jpg){ width=100 } | bio-rainbow | biokelp powder 12 gr | glycerol 100 ml | rainbow dust 1 kg | green soap a drop |
-| ![](../images/home/sample-image.jpg){ width=100 } | bio-rainbow | biokelp powder 12 gr | glycerol 100 ml | rainbow dust 1 kg | green soap a drop |
-| ![](../images/home/sample-image.jpg){ width=100 } | bio-rainbow | biokelp powder 12 gr | glycerol 100 ml | rainbow dust 1 kg | green soap a drop |
-| ![](../images/home/sample-image.jpg){ width=100 } | bio-rainbow | biokelp powder 12 gr | glycerol 100 ml | rainbow dust 1 kg | green soap a drop |
-###### RESULTS
-_Two ways of showcasing and comparing results with images below_
-![](../images/home/sample-image.jpg){ width=200 align=left }
-![](../images/home/sample-image.jpg){ width=200 align=right }
-On the left an image of a sample made by xxx with xxx. The dye is more xxx.
-On the right, an image of a sample made by xxx with xxx and xxx. Here the dye is more xxx.
-<p style="clear: left;"></p>
-![](../images/home/sample-image.jpg){ width=200 }
-![](../images/home/sample-image.jpg){ width=200 }
-![](../images/home/sample-image.jpg){ width=200 }
-## _Recipes_
-[^1]: recipe: salmon skin fish-leather
-[^2]: recipe: red wine bacterial-leather
-[^3]: recipe: alginate algi-leather
-[^4]: recipe: alginate waterproof bio-plastic