diff --git a/docs/files/recipes/bananaclay.md b/docs/files/recipes/bananaclay.md
index 8f580846504588689b1a7e16aeaf89e9fe9f0645..50c9f2308dd4fceb61aa4fda2ddd023942474920 100644
--- a/docs/files/recipes/bananaclay.md
+++ b/docs/files/recipes/bananaclay.md
@@ -88,8 +88,8 @@ Approx. 75 grams (when wet)
 The pressing after oven time and air drying phase of at least three days is crucial here. The slab will still be very moist after the oven time. It will be fragile when you take it out but gets a lot stronger as it air dries. 
 - Mold depth (surfaces and solids) or diameter (strings):  5 mm
-- Shrinkage thickness       20-30 %
-- Shrinkage width/length     5-10 %
+- Shrinkage thickness       30-50 %
+- Shrinkage width/length    20-30 %
 **Shrinkage and deformation control**
diff --git a/docs/images/finalpics-45_silicone.jpg b/docs/images/finalpics-45_silicone.jpg
index 9e405d10bc21aa87f56febf09f50e3e25abc48e2..aa4c99c5294da3a860ad9229f82c1c8b96a0270d 100644
Binary files a/docs/images/finalpics-45_silicone.jpg and b/docs/images/finalpics-45_silicone.jpg differ
diff --git a/docs/projects/outcomes/24_core_recipes.md b/docs/projects/outcomes/24_core_recipes.md
index c9e6a09da0e10449cab5d2d0e88d3ccd835a771c..1708555fd9250d1ad9fe0b7801eebdde82ab21e8 100644
--- a/docs/projects/outcomes/24_core_recipes.md
+++ b/docs/projects/outcomes/24_core_recipes.md
@@ -20,29 +20,14 @@ I've compiled an overview of tools and materials needed to recreate these recipe
 - [Tools](../../../files/tools/)
-|  Recipe name     |  Approx. Price  |       Image      |
-| [Biofoam](../../../files/recipes/biofoam/) | €0,50 | ![](../../images/finalpics-16_foam.jpg) 
-| [Extra Flexible Foil](../../../files/recipes/biofoilextraflexible)| €0,78 | ![](../../images/finalpics-67.jpg) |
-| [Bioresin](../../../files/recipes/bioresin) | €2,56 | ![](../../images/finalpics-37.jpg)|
-| [Biosilicone](../../../files/recipes/biosilicon) | €1,68| ![](../../images/finalpics-45_silicone.jpg)  |
-| [Starch rubber](../../../files/recipes/biorubber) | €2,26 | ![](../../images/finalpics-47.jpg) |
-| [Biolinoleum]((../../../files/recipes/biolino)) | €0,78 | ![](../../images/finalpics-56.jpg) |
-| [Alginate net](../../../files/recipes/alginatenet) | €0,57 | ![](../../images/finalpics.jpg)  |	
-| [Alginate foil](../../../files/recipes/alginatefoil) | €1,12 | ![](../../images/finalpics-52.jpg)  |
-| [Alginate string](../../../files/recipes/alginatestring) | €0,57 | ![](../../images/finalpics-72.jpg) |
-| [Agar foil](../../../files/recipes/agarfoil) | €0,50 | ![](../../images/finalpics-80.jpg)  |
-| [Agar composite](../../../files/recipes/agarcomposite) | €0,57 | ![](../../images/finalpics-58.jpg) |
-| [Re-used PLA scraps](../../../files/recipes/recycledPLA) | €0,00 | ![](../../images/finalpics-61.jpg) |
-| [Alum crystal silk](../../../files/recipes/alumcrystalsilk) | €2,00 | ![](../../images/finalpics-5.jpg) |
-| [Kombucha SCOBY](../../../files/recipes/kombuchascoby) | €6,15 | ![](../../images/finalpics-194.jpg)  | 
-| [Kombucha paper](../../../files/recipes/kombuchapaper) | €0,64 | ![](../../images/finalpics-14.jpg)  
-| [Flower paper and dye](../../../files/recipes/flowerpaper) | €0,01 | ![](../../images/finalpics-127.jpg) |
-| [Overripe mango leather](../../../files/recipes/mangoleather) | €0,21 | ![](../../images/finalpics-20.jpg) |
-| [Banana Peel Clay](../../../files/recipes/bananaclay) | €0,10 | ![](../../images/finalpics-188.jpg) |
-| [Tanned fish skin](../../../files/recipes/fishskin) | €1,10 | ![](../../images/finalpics-76.jpg) |
-| [Madder dye](../../../files/recipes/madderdye) | €2,01 | ![](../../images/finalpics-83.jpg) |
-| [Red cabbage dye](../../../files/recipes/cabbagedye) | €0,01 | ![](../../images/finalpics-115.jpg) |
-| [Yellow onion skin dye](../../../files/recipes/oniondye) | €0,02 | ![](../../images/finalpics-143.jpg) |
-| [PH modifiers for biochromes](../../../files/recipes/phmodifiers) | €0,02 | ![](../../images/finalpics-185.jpg) |
-| [Bacterial dye on silk](../../../files/recipes/bacterialdye) | €17,50 | ![](../../images/finalpics-124.jpg) |
\ No newline at end of file
+| [![](../../images/finalpics-16_foam.jpg)](../../../files/recipes/biofoam/) Biofoam € 0,50| [![](../../images/finalpics-67.jpg)](../../../files/recipes/biofoilextraflexible) Biofoil flexible €0,78 |[![](../../images/finalpics-37.jpg)](../../../files/recipes/bioresin) Bioresin € 2,56 | [![](../../images/finalpics-45_silicone.jpg)](../../../files/recipes/biosilicon) Biosilicone |
+|[![](../../images/finalpics-47.jpg)](../../../files/recipes/biorubber) Starch Rubber €2,26 | [![](../../images/finalpics-56.jpg)]((../../../files/recipes/biolino)) Biolinoleum €0,78 | [![](../../images/finalpics.jpg)](../../../files/recipes/alginatenet) Alginate net €0,57 | [![](../../images/finalpics-52.jpg)](../../../files/recipes/alginatefoil) Alginate foil €1,12 |
+| [![](../../images/finalpics-72.jpg)](../../../files/recipes/alginatestring) Alginate string €0,57 | [![](../../images/finalpics-80.jpg)](../../../files/recipes/agarfoil) Agar foil €0,50 | [![](../../images/finalpics-58.jpg)](../../../files/recipes/agarcomposite) Bio composite €0,57 | [![](../../images/finalpics-61.jpg)](../../../files/recipes/recycledPLA) Reused PLA €0,01 |
+| [![](../../images/finalpics-5.jpg)](../../../files/recipes/alumcrystalsilk) Alum crystals on silk €2,00  | [![](../../images/finalpics-194.jpg)](../../../files/recipes/kombuchascoby) Kombucha scoby €6,15 |[![](../../images/finalpics-14.jpg) ](../../../files/recipes/kombuchapaper) Kombucha paper €0,64  |[![](../../images/finalpics-127.jpg)](../../../files/recipes/flowerpaper) Flower paper and dye €0,01 |
+|[![](../../images/finalpics-20.jpg)](../../../files/recipes/mangoleather) Mango leather €0,21  |[![](../../images/finalpics-188.jpg)](../../../files/recipes/bananaclay) Banana Clay €0,10 | [![](../../images/finalpics-76.jpg)](../../../files/recipes/fishskin) Fish leather €1,10 |  [![](../../images/finalpics-185.jpg)](../../../files/recipes/phmodifiers) PH modifiers €0,02|
+|[![](../../images/finalpics-115.jpg)](../../../files/recipes/cabbagedye) Cabbage dye €0,01 | [![](../../images/finalpics-143.jpg)](../../../files/recipes/oniondye) Onion dye €0,02  |[![](../../images/finalpics-83.jpg)](../../../files/recipes/madderdye) Madder dye €2,01|[![](../../images/finalpics-124.jpg)](../../../files/recipes/bacterialdye) Bacterial dye €17,50 | 
diff --git a/docs/projects/outcomes/new_naturals_manifesto.md b/docs/projects/outcomes/new_naturals_manifesto.md
index 28ebadbc718f3610a71e4f9b83dc503fb160ac58..0f7372344ed818c10f648facf38cd533eba465d7 100644
--- a/docs/projects/outcomes/new_naturals_manifesto.md
+++ b/docs/projects/outcomes/new_naturals_manifesto.md
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 - if usefulness is in the eye of the beholder, perhaps what we need most is to do **change and open up our perception**
 - if material = useful "stuff", we perhaps we should **evaluate materials in terms of what they *do*** (the superpower they have) and less by what the *are* (in terms of traditional taxonomies)
 - **we need *ongoing* material activism**, especially in the face of smart and advanced materials increasing popularity. What could be methods to continue to demystify material craftsmanship as materials research evolves and becomes highly technical and less accessible due to increasing complexity as well as patenting intellectual property?
-- **if plactics are not the only issue, then bioplastics are not the only solution**, dyeing and chemical treatments and finishes are equally if hazardous for the environment and workers. Biodegradable, or even biocompostable plastics will not solve all our problems
+- **if plastics are not the only issue, then bioplastics are not the only solution**, dyeing and chemical treatments and finishes are equally if hazardous for the environment and workers. Biodegradable, or even biocompostable plastics will not solve all our problems
 - **designers and makers need to get comfortable drawing from different fields of knowledge** and their methods like empirical approaches and systematic ways of experimenting and documenting, such as in fields of biology, chemistry and other "hard" sciences.
 - but we need to be equally **aware of history, cultural heritage and the politics of design materials** in terms of their cultural history, as well as their socio-economic and ecological implications. 
 - **we need open-source material knowledge**: if resources are part of the commons, then so are material kowledge and craftsmanship, but we need to contiue to build it up and keep it alive.