diff --git a/docs/projects/ingredients.md b/docs/projects/ingredients.md
index fe6ce19cac3f78a0a3998c4e54fd33caf5edb872..cde0e80bdbae65b87eb4b4554eba4353fb0e5b80 100644
--- a/docs/projects/ingredients.md
+++ b/docs/projects/ingredients.md
@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ The recipes listed on this website can be used as a starting point for material
 With these 40 ingredients you can list all the 25 recipes suggested as a material archive starter, with a suggestion for a local supplier and approximation of the cost per unit. Check out the tools section as well, this list contains disposables only. For under € 500 you can purchase all the ingredients listed below, and most will last many rounds of experiments. The prices listed per material sample in the recipe section are based on the prices below. Of course it is possible to buy smaller packages of most ingredients, this will be *relatively* expensive, but wise if you are planning to just try it out.  
 ##List of ingredients to buy
 | Nr  |  Ingredient  |  Approx. Price   | Supplier  | Notes |
@@ -15,7 +14,7 @@ With these 40 ingredients you can list all the 25 recipes suggested as a materia
 | 2 | Potato starch | € 2,60 per 250 g | [Johannesmolen or other eco brand](https://www.ekoplaza.nl/producten/product/aardappelzetmeel?channable=e63107.MTU4Ng&gclid=CjwKCAjwhOD0BRAQEiwAK7JHmMX6if0OD3uBoImteSVMm5d27XDRRQr4rr1YdMX48C4HwlO4B7ZNzxoCTLMQAvD_BwE) | produced in the Netherlands |
 | 3 | Glycerine | € 10 per L  | [Chempropack for Orphi](https://www.deonlinedrogist.nl/drogist/chempropack-glycerine-123.htm) or search for "Glycerine 1.23 chempropack" | foodgrade (E422), vegetable-based, produced in Portugal |
 | 4 | Gelatine powder | € 27 per kg  | [Dr Oetker or Jacob Hooy for 1 kg packages](https://www.bouwhuis.com/dr-oetker-prof-gelatinepoeder-1kg) or search for "gelatine powder 1kg" | also available at wholesalers like Sligro |
-| 5 | Agar powder | € 72 per kg  | [Supplier name](URL) or search for "[insert key terms]" | add notes here |
+| 5 | Agar powder | € 72 per kg  | [De Kruidenbaron](https://www.dekruidenbaron.nl/agar-agar-poeder.html?id=133179224) or search for "agar powder" | also found in Asian supermarkets |
 | 6 | Bees wax | € 35 per kg  | [Wiertz](https://www.superfoodstore.nl/drogisterij/overig-huishoudelijk/wiertz-bijenwas-zuiver-1-kg?search_query=bijenwas&results=645) or search for "pure bees wax" | other types may be fine, need to be tested |
 | 7 | Sodium Alginate| € 15 per 300 g | [Unique Products](https://www.unique-products.nl/qr_alginate.html) | at wholesalers like sligro or cooking shops. Other types of sodium alginate could be researched further |
 | 8 | Calcium chloride | € 6 per 500 g  | [Brandless](https://www.werkenmetmerken.nl/nl/calciumchloride_poeder_food_grade/p/47859/?gclid=Cj0KCQjw4dr0BRCxARIsAKUNjWS_6b7zZZuTGeBrYNpcCWrEiLdMfli2Lipr8VFhCHWqDCQq6K4MRE8aAo9AEALw_wcB#75469) | this is food grade, but it is a desiccant that **can be dangerous to health in high concentrations. Do not ingest!** Wear gloves |
@@ -53,7 +52,10 @@ These are required to make the bacterial dye listed here. Try connecting to a bi
 ##List of ingredients to collect 
-These mostly involve food waste and byproducts that ideally should not be purchased, but sourced by accessing waste streams or collecting leftovers. 
+These mostly involve food waste and byproducts that ideally should not be purchased, but sourced by accessing waste streams or collecting leftovers. If you start out doing this from home, it really helps to collect nice glass jars, pots and bowls for collecting and drying food waste. Remove the labels and give them a nice place e.g. in a window where you are reminded and where you can keep an eye on them as they dry. 
 | Nr  |  Ingredient  |  Approx. Price   | Where to find  | 