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 **The goal of this project was to explore and develop simple methods for open archiving of socalled "new naturals"\*. The outcomes are developed to work toward a collaborative, global - but context-aware - material archive....**
 - that is not only ecologically, but also historically, culturally, geographically aware;
-- that can extend material activism beyond bioplastics;
+- that can extend material activism beyond bioplastics alone;
+- highlights what a material *does*: its properties and its sensorial qualities in text, tags and (moving) image.
 - that promotes an open-source attitude to the development of design materials, and credits the work done by others before you;
-- that acknowledges all those practical questions: from buying the right kind of ingredient, all the way to tips and tricks for that challenging phase of controlled drying and curing materials to its "final" form;
+- that acknowledges all those practical questions: from buying the right kind of ingredients, all the way to tips and tricks for that challenging phase of controlled drying and curing materials to its "final" form;
 - that is explained in layman's terms, demystifying ingredients and processes without oversimplifying them;
 - imaging collaborative open archiving that can facilitate critique, contestations, suggestions, updates and reviews from peers;
 - offering a package that allows novices to learn, and educators to get started in a systematic way...
-- ... and encourages experienced material designers and "alchemists" to continue asking the hard critical questions regarding sustainability and share those considerations with each recipe or ingredient.
+- ... and encourages experienced material designers and "alchemists" to continue asking the hard critical questions regarding sustainability, resource and waste streams and share those considerations with each recipe or ingredient.
 \* *note: "new" or "other" naturals is not a thing (yet). But the word is sometimes used in material archives as container category for materials that don't fit the traditional material families of wood, hide, metal, glass, plastics, stone, etcetera. New or other naturals is a left-over tag to indicate composite or otherwise hybrid materials made from renewable natural resources such as food waste, plant fibres etcetera.* 
@@ -21,29 +22,70 @@
-A curated selection from best practices found in research labs, material archives and design studios from all over the world. The information itself was already widely known, this project is an effort to ask new questions, and think up new structures for organising and building on this knowledge in open, collaborative ways, not over-simplifying nor mystifying the information and skills needed. It is also an exercise in learning globally, but practicing *locally*, using resources locally abundant in your location (which for me, was the Netherlands).
+The outcomes of the selection are threefold: 1) a number of documentation tools and templates, in an effort to ask new questions when developing processes and combining materials; 2) a curated recipe selection from best practices in labs all over the world, that offer a comprehensive starting point for exploring "new naturals" in e.g. (informal) learning contexts; and 3) suggestions for structuring and building on this knowledge in open, collaborative ways, with critical considerations of technical, sensorial as well as cultural, historical and ecological aspects. 
-- [**development brief**](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1YRHikbOnj0WLbVhc2BELcTUBk30rFFGOpYzF1ra7Jp4/edit?usp=sharing) for a context-aware, collaborative materials database that enables peer feedback, ratings and constructive criticism. 
-- [**24 foundational recipes**](../recipes) to start your own sample archive (based on ingredients that are largely locally abundant in the Netherlands). What will be *your* list of 24 recipes using resources abundant in your location?
-- [**list of tools**](../tools) needed to start your own material samples archive
-- [**video tutorial**](https://class.textile-academy.org/2020/loes.bogers/projects/templates/tactilityvideo/) for capturing tactility of material samples
-- [**template for new recipes**](https://class.textile-academy.org/2020/loes.bogers/projects/templates/new_recipe/), to help you capture the entire proces, ask the hard contextual questions and document relevant considerations when contributing new recipes to the database.
-- [**template to add new ingredients**](https://class.textile-academy.org/2020/loes.bogers/projects/templates/new_ingredient/), helping you ask the hard questions and document relevant considerations when contributing new recipes to the database.
-- [**templates for labels**](https://class.textile-academy.org/2020/loes.bogers/projects/templates/labels/) to create your own physical archive with material samples (building on the work of Maria Viftrup for TextileLab Waag).
+###1. Tools and templates for documenting "new naturals"
+- [**a list of tools**](../tools) needed to start your a local, physical collection material samples (a local physical archive, e.g. in a university lab)
+- [**a video tutorial**](https://class.textile-academy.org/2020/loes.bogers/projects/templates/tactilityvideo/) for capturing the tactile experience of material samples
+- [**a template for new recipes**](https://class.textile-academy.org/2020/loes.bogers/projects/templates/new_recipe/), to help you capture the entire process, while asking the hard contextual questions and document relevant considerations when developing new recipes and consideration applications and scale. Colleague fabricademer Beatriz Sandini tested and used the templates to document the recipes of her project [Ephemeral Fashion Lab](https://class.textile-academy.org/2020/beatriz.sandini/projects/0-final-project/). 
+- [**template to add new ingredients**](https://class.textile-academy.org/2020/loes.bogers/projects/templates/new_ingredient/), helping you ask the hard questions and document relevant considerations for adopting new ingredients and additives, also in terms of upscaling.
+- [**templates for labels**](https://class.textile-academy.org/2020/loes.bogers/projects/templates/labels/) to create your own physical archive with material samples (building on the work of Maria Viftrup who designed the original sample label designs for TextileLab Waag).
 ![](../images/pics-insta2.jpg)*Measuring and logging shrinkage, Loes Bogers, 2020*
-This project is indebted to the knowledge collected and created in and around the Fabricademy network, and builds upon the (physical) Material Archive at Textile Lab Waag that was realised by Cecilia Raspanti, Maria Viftrup and others in 2016-2017.
+###2. Core recipes for starting your own *new naturals* sample archive
+[A collection of 24 foundational recipes](../recipes) is curated and documented here, to allow anyone to start a physical sample archive with "new natural" materials. Two additional criteria were used to make the selection: it should include a range of techniques, and result in a variety of physical forms to accommodate makers and designers from different fields from product design as well as textiles and fashion. 
+**Selected based on local abundance**
+Since this project was developed in the Netherlands, the consideration was to take local abundance as a starting point for any physical archive of material samples. The samples made for this project will be used at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences to help design students explore new natural materials through making. so it seems fitting to set the example of starting by looking for *local waste streams* to source ingredients, supplemented with ingredients that are *locally produced* as much as possible (ideally within the Netherlands or in neighbouring countries, alternatively within Europe). This also means that starting a physical sample archive elsewhere could and maybe *should* look different! What will be *your* list of 24 recipes using resources abundant in your location?
+**A variety of biofabrication techniques**
+The collection contains different techniques in biofabration to give a novice material designer a wide range of methods to explore the potential of the natural resources around them. I want to stress that these recipes are not my inventions, nor are they new. They are my personal variations at best, and this part of the work is heavily indebted to the knowledge collected and created in and around the Fabricademy network and other design and DIY biology communities, and also builds upon the (physical) Material Archive at Textile Lab Waag that was realised by Cecilia Raspanti, Maria Viftrup and others in 2016-2017. Where it was known and identifyable, the related work and cultural origins of the techniques are referenced in each recipe. Techniques include: 
+- ***cooking*** bioplastics
+- ***curing*** bioplastics with natural compounds (e.g. calcificatino of algae-based plastic)
+- ***extracting*** natural pigments in the form of inks and dyes
+- ***growing*** microbial cultures for leather alternatives and bacterial dyes
+- ***crystallization*** of minerals
+- ***re-use*** of biodegradable plastics such as PLA
+- and examples of how all of the above may be combined by means of making ***composite materials***
+**A variety of physical forms**
+Secondly, the selection of 24 *techniques* is made based on the extent to which they allow material makers to craft a variety of *physical forms*. Considering which forms a material can take is equally a part of material learning and exploration, and is a starting point for understanding how they might be processed further by thermoforming, lasercutting, extruding, sewing, welding etcetera. The recipes result in: 
+- **surfaces** (flat materials, slabs, sheets)
+- **strings** (that may be used as yarns or for additive manufacturing)
+- **liquids** (water and alcohol based inks and dyes)
+- **solids** (including 3D solids but also structurally open spatial forms like moulded composites)
+- **surface treatments** (e.g. forming crystals on a substrate, direct dyeing with bacteria)
+###3. A features wishlist for an online materials repository 
+[This design brief](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1YRHikbOnj0WLbVhc2BELcTUBk30rFFGOpYzF1ra7Jp4/edit?usp=sharing)
+suggests an imagined system for a context-aware, collaborative materials database. Developing such a system is outside the scope of this project, and connecting to existing initiatives may be a better avenue to explore. The design of the system proposed here: 
+- 	**enables peer feedback**, ratings and constructive criticism
+-  its logics of organisation and additional required fields can promote and **add a critical angle on the way we consider new naturals** as material alternatives 
+-  the way the datastructures are linked **allow for analysis of popular recipes and correlations** with geographical regions, environmental conditions and local abundance of certain ingredients
+-  the suggested **features may be included in existing archives (preferred)** or be a starting point for a new initiative.
 ###Future development
-- **realising the online database** further with a designer and developer
-- develop, document and add **methods for DIY material testing**
-- create well-researched **ingredient pages** for all the ingredients used (now only glycerine as an example). 
-- add **section for open-source DIY tools** for fabrication
+The templates and the starter recipes are envisioned as tools that can already contribute to building up local, offline communities who want to explore and become more aware of new natural material alternatives through making. This can be used already in informal learning contexts as well as (higher) education.
+Online repositories can facilitate communities of material explorers - from novice to expert - in constructing not only new materials, but also further the critical understanding of the processes and resources involved, and learn from techniques and arguments developed elsewhere. Of course for this to take effect the suggestions need to be realised in an existing database, or a new one might be developed. Future steps involve:  
+- **realising the online database** further with a designer and developer or connecting to existing initiatives (preferred)
+- research and/or develop and add **methods for DIY material testing**, like testing tensile strength, chemical resistance etc. 
+- create well-researched **ingredient pages** for all the ingredients used (for the moment only the entry for glycerine is there as an example). 
+- possibly add a **section for open-source DIY tools** for fabrication
 - **further testing of the formats as tools for learning** in higher education and fabricademy, gathering peer feedback from peers
-- [**a glossary of terms**](https://class.textile-academy.org/2020/loes.bogers/projects/work_in_progress/glossary/), explaining the key terms used here (in progress)
-- [**an educators' note**](https://class.textile-academy.org/2020/loes.bogers/projects/work_in_progress/note_for_educators/) with some suggestions for how this archive might be incorporated into classes oriented to designing/material research/critical making/design & crafts history/machine building classes.
 ![](../images/pics-insta4.jpg)*Documenting a recipe, Loes Bogers, 2020*
@@ -63,14 +105,16 @@ Their role in matchmaking R&D with designers and industry is important and pivot
 But the classification systems continue to rely on traditional material families like wood, ceramics, and metals, and except for the container category of "other naturals". New and often hybrid materials require us to rethink such categories (Kula & Ternaux 2019: p. 337-338), but new models are still lacking. 
-One avenue might be to explore and make explicit the tactile qualities of materials, alongside their technical properties. Material District does this in a summarized way (see image below) that gives an overview of the material that is accessible to novices. But their clients have to continue to rely on the big materials fair for get a "feel" for the different materials on offer. 
+One avenue might be to explore and make explicit the tactile qualities of materials, alongside their technical properties. Material District does this in a summarized way (see image below) that gives an overview of the material that is accessible to novices. Although their online repository is well thought through and comprehensive, the organisation continues to cater to clients need to get a "feel" for the different materials on offer, by organizing visits to their archive and by hosting a materials fair annually. 
 ![](../images/materialdistrict.jpg)*Properties listed for each material on the Material District Archive, screenshot of their website, 2020*
-**MATto Design**
+**Sensory descriptors and categorization**
 Besides the inspiration taken from Material District, the archive put forward here incorporates the sensory descriptors and categories proposed by Beatrice Lerma in her article "Materials ecoefficiency and perception. Proceedings" (2010: pp. 1-8). Discussing an existing reference tool called SensoTact, she describes a sensory vocabular to describe materials (e.g. stickiness, rough/smooth, hot/cold) in addition to parameters to evaluate socalled *material eco-compatibility*. [MATto](http://www.matto.design/en/home/), the materials library and consultancy service at the Politecnico di Torino has adopted this approach (but is not open to the public). To describe relative sustainability, Lerma suggests to discuss parameters such as toxicity, energy involved in production, shelf life, and distance to source. 
+Material archives used in the context of polytecnic institutes generally take a focus that is more on the technical and engineering qualities of materials, with optical and tactile qualities being secondary: a small element within this much larger technical spectrum. It is argued however these sensorial qualities that can be pivotal in material acceptance and we need methods to account for them (Karana, Barati, Rognoli & Zeeuw van der Laan 2015): rather than organizing materials based on what they *are* (wood, metal, glass and so on) we might consider other systems along the lines of what they can *do* and *elicit* in us. Their work and methods are successfully finding their way into higher education in art and design schools in the Netherlands. What the approach suggested here might offer, is are the prompts that aim to instill a cultural, political and historical awareness of materials and their constintuent compounds.
 **Physical forms vs. material families**
 In parallel to the traditional materials families (wood, metals, etc) the MATto materials library *also* organizes materials more in line with fabrication methods and physical forms that are recognizable and useful to designers. Users can also navigate the archive by browsing collections put together based on their physical form: e.g. slabs, tubes & pipes, foam and expanded materials, textiles, grilles & nets, surface treatments, gels and pastes, grains/flakes & powders, and so on. This is an interesting approach that allows designers to consider different alternatives for a part of a product. For example someone designing a speaker might browse the "grilles and nets" sections and find composites made with yarns or other fibres she would never find browsing polymers. The physical forms are another method we explore in this project, but in a more simplified manner. User interviews I did during the project showed that these categories were the most meaninful that could capture all: surfaces & surface treatments, solids, powders/grains, liquids/gels, and strings/tubes.
@@ -93,7 +137,7 @@ Their archive is divided into "raw" and "made" materials and a loosely organised
 The [Institute of Making](https://www.instituteofmaking.org.uk/) at UCL London has a materials library with another interesting approach that lets go of classification systems altogether. Their exhibition space continuously changes to offer fresh perspectives on materials, and can vary from chronological ordering, or it can be an exhibition around controversial materials. The story is the organizing factor here, and always depends on the availability of staff and slots to visit the archive. They offer a valuable (design-)historical perspective on materials, but do not organize or offer any practical information for manufacturing and manipulating them. 
-It is difficult to separate the material from the form however. Most of the "materials" in this library are already *applied*. They have already taken shape as a functional object, which could make it challenging to disentangle the form and possible functions/shapes/forms. Also, this library contains a lot of materials that would be hard to impossible to recreate without specialist tools and knowledge. 
+It is difficult to separate the material from the form however. Most of the "materials" in this library are already *applied*. They have already taken shape as a functional object, which indicates the potential of a material, but it can also make it challenging to disentangle the form and possible functions/shapes/forms. This library contains a lot of materials that would be hard to impossible to recreate without specialist tools and knowledge, but evokes interesting questions as to what tools and (lack of) access to them enable us to do. 
 ###3. Renewable and DIY: Material Activism
@@ -140,6 +184,7 @@ A platform like Materiom might also benefit from acknowledging more explicitly w
 - **Materials ecoefficiency and perception** by Beatrice Lerma, in Proceedings: CESB 2010 Prague - Central Europe towards Sustainable Building 'From Theory to Practice', 2010: pp. 1-8.
+- **Material Driven Design (MDD): A Method for Design for Material Experiences** by Elvin Karana, Bahar Barati, Valentina Rognoli, Anouk Zeeuw van der Laan, in the International Journal of Design, Vol 9. No 2, 2015: [link](http://www.ijdesign.org/index.php/IJDesign/article/view/1965)
 - **Materiology: The Creative Industry’s Guide to Materials and Technologies** by Daniël Kula & Elodie Ternaux, Basel: Birkhäuser, 2014.
 - **Institute of Making - Fourth Year Report 2016-2017**, by the Institute of Making, UCL London, 2017: [link](https://www.instituteofmaking.org.uk/about)
 - **Recipes for Material Activism** by Miriam Ribul, 2014, via issuu [link](https://issuu.com/miriamribul/docs/miriam_ribul_recipes_for_material_a)
@@ -147,6 +192,7 @@ A platform like Materiom might also benefit from acknowledging more explicitly w
 - **The Secrets of Bioplastic** by Clara Davis (Fabtex, IAAC, Fab Lab Barcelona), 2017, [link](https://issuu.com/nat_arc/docs/the_secrets_of_bioplastic_).
 - **The Bioplastics Cookbook: A Catalogue of Bioplastics Recipes** by Margaret Dunne for Fabtextiles, 2018, [link](https://issuu.com/nat_arc/docs/bioplastic_cook_book_3)
 - **DAMADEI: Design & Advanced Materials as a Driver of European Innovation**, by Damadei project committee, funded by the European Commission, 2013.  
+- **Material Archive** by TextileLab Waag, Amsterdam (Cecilia Raspanti, Maria Viftrup and many others), 2016-ongoing. 
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@@ -6,38 +6,59 @@ The recipes listed on this website can be used as a starting point for material
 With these 40 ingredients you can list all the 25 recipes suggested as a material archive starter, with a suggestion for a local supplier and approximation of the cost per unit. Check out the tools section as well, this list contains disposables only. For under € 500 you can purchase all the ingredients listed below, and most will last many rounds of experiments. The prices listed per material sample in the recipe section are based on the prices below. Of course it is possible to buy smaller packages of most ingredients, this will be *relatively* expensive, but wise if you are planning to just try it out.  
+##Locally abundant ingredients to collect 
+Selecting the 24 recipes to start with in the Netherlands were mostly motivated by what is abundant here locally. So the ingredients listed here involve food waste and byproducts that ideally should not be purchased, but sourced by accessing waste streams or collecting leftovers. If you start out doing this from home, it really helps to collect nice glass jars, pots and bowls for collecting and drying food waste. Remove the labels and give them a nice place e.g. in a window where you are reminded and where you can keep an eye on them as they dry. 
+| Nr  |  Ingredient  |  Approx. Price   | Where to find  | 
+| 1 | Yellow onion skins| n/a  | identify waste streams in your home, neighbourhood and/or local supermarkets/restaurants | add notes here |
+| 2 | Red cabbage | n/a  | identify waste streams in your home, neighbourhood and/or local supermarkets/restuarants |
+| 3 | Fish skins | n/a  | connect to local fish mongers or a fish market and try to access this as a waste stream, also ask for fish scales! Can be used to make plastic and glue as well|
+| 4 | Egg shells |n/a  | identify waste streams in your home, neighbourhood and/or local supermarkets/restaurants |
+| 5 | PLA scraps | n/a | identify waste streams locally, in fablabs, printshops etcetera. Ask for scraps and failed prints that are easier to handle manually |
+| 6 | Withered flowers | n/a  | connect to local flower shops to access these as a waste stream, flowers in nature are there to be enjoyed by everyone, don't pick them|
+| 7 | Banana peels | n/a  | identify waste streams in your home, neighbourhood and/or local supermarkets/restaurants |
+| 8 | Overripe mangos | n/a | identify waste streams at local markets |
 ##List of ingredients to buy
+The ingredients below are things you will likely have to buy. It's good exercise to localize options that are produced fairly and sustainably, and ideally locally. Research the manufacturers, contact them, find out where things are produced and what your best option might be. These may be subject to change and more research can be done to find even better options. Consider this an open invitation to improve what is here!
 | Nr  |  Ingredient  |  Approx. Price   | Supplier  | Notes |
-| 1 | Denatured alcohol 96% | € 6 per L  | [Orphi](https://www.drogist.nl/orphi-alcohol-96-gedenat-5-en-methan-1000ml.htm) | this version has 5% methanol |
-| 2 | Potato starch | € 2,60 per 250 g | [Johannesmolen or other eco brand](https://www.ekoplaza.nl/producten/product/aardappelzetmeel?channable=e63107.MTU4Ng&gclid=CjwKCAjwhOD0BRAQEiwAK7JHmMX6if0OD3uBoImteSVMm5d27XDRRQr4rr1YdMX48C4HwlO4B7ZNzxoCTLMQAvD_BwE) | produced in the Netherlands |
-| 3 | Glycerine | € 10 per L  | [Chempropack for Orphi](https://www.deonlinedrogist.nl/drogist/chempropack-glycerine-123.htm) or search for "Glycerine 1.23 chempropack" | foodgrade (E422), vegetable-based, produced in Portugal |
-| 4 | Gelatine powder | € 27 per kg  | [Dr Oetker or Jacob Hooy for 1 kg packages](https://www.bouwhuis.com/dr-oetker-prof-gelatinepoeder-1kg) or search for "gelatine powder 1kg" | also available at wholesalers like Sligro |
-| 5 | Agar powder | € 72 per kg  | [De Kruidenbaron](https://www.dekruidenbaron.nl/agar-agar-poeder.html?id=133179224) or search for "agar powder" | also found in Asian supermarkets |
-| 6 | Bees wax | € 35 per kg  | [Wiertz](https://www.superfoodstore.nl/drogisterij/overig-huishoudelijk/wiertz-bijenwas-zuiver-1-kg?search_query=bijenwas&results=645) or search for "pure bees wax" | other types may be fine, need to be tested |
-| 7 | Sodium Alginate| € 15 per 300 g | [Unique Products](https://www.unique-products.nl/qr_alginate.html) | at wholesalers like sligro or cooking shops. Other types of sodium alginate could be researched further |
-| 8 | Calcium chloride | € 6 per 500 g  | [Brandless](https://www.werkenmetmerken.nl/nl/calciumchloride_poeder_food_grade/p/47859/?gclid=Cj0KCQjw4dr0BRCxARIsAKUNjWS_6b7zZZuTGeBrYNpcCWrEiLdMfli2Lipr8VFhCHWqDCQq6K4MRE8aAo9AEALw_wcB#75469) | this is food grade, but it is a desiccant that **can be dangerous to health in high concentrations. Do not ingest!** Wear gloves |
-| 9 | White vinegar | € 0,50 per 1,5L  | [any homebrand at supermarket or grocery store, e.g.](https://www.jumbo.com/jumbo-witte-natuurazijn-1,-5l/137400FLS/) | or any other 4-8% vinegar with a PH of around 3 (too acidic can kill microbes in e.g. kombucha recipes) |
-| 10 | Citric acid | € 7 per kg  | [usually brandless, e.g.](https://www.natuurproduct.com/a-45323177-4066077/meel-bakmiddel/citroenzuur/?gclid=Cj0KCQjw4dr0BRCxARIsAKUNjWRLZUF25Uj4MQnHTFJ0iTntPDmHbUjCnNsdJww_YGBe2UKfq7xiQt8aAj7NEALw_wcB#description) or can be found in asian super markets | smaller packages best found in asian supermarkets|
-| 11 | Kitchen salt | € 0,50 per kg  | [Any brand](https://www.bouwhuis.com/keukenzout-1kg?gclid=Cj0KCQjw4dr0BRCxARIsAKUNjWQtGd6xkDv9Taij7Zg0OW7bg3lZwScrN0lQPIg4OT3rbFxGo5NbGSsaAmyBEALw_wcB) or plain kitchen salt from supermarket | plain salt formula is NaCl |
-| 12 | Soda ash (carbonate soda, washing soda) | € 3,5 per kg  | [Greenhub via Ekoplaza](https://www.ekoplaza.nl/producten/product/wassoda) or search for "carbonate soda, soda ash or in Dutch: natriumcarbonaat or huishoudsoda" | Na2C03 (or E500) is carbonate soda and is used for cleaning. Bicarbonate soda or baking powder is NOT the same |
-| 13 | Dishwashing soap | € 2 per 450 ml  | [e.g. Ecover](https://www.ah.nl/producten/product/wi434053/ecover-afwasmiddel-zero) or any eco dishwashing soap | smells will transfer to the bioplastic |
-| 14 | Raw kombucha | € 3 per 300 ml  | [YaYa Original Kombucha](https://www.ekoplaza.nl/producten/product/kombucha-original) | or any kombucha drink with raw culture in it (should say so on the packaging). You can also buy a SCOBY from a brewer directly |
-| 15 | Black tea | € 2 per 50 bags | [Pickwick](https://www.plus.nl/product/pickwick-english-zwarte-thee-pot-voordeelpak-doos-50-stuks-739934) | any plain black (ceylon, english breakfast tea) or green tea will do. Flavouring (e.g. earl grey often contains oils) and does not work well |
-| 16 | Sugar| € 1 per 1.5 KG  | [brandless](https://www.plus.nl/product/neutraal-suiker-zak-1500-gram-867669) | plain white (organic) sugar is best |
-| 17 | Alum | € 9 per kg  | [Orphi](https://www.deweegschaal.nl/orphi/aluin-1000g?channable=e72547.MTEyODk2OQ&utm_campaign=tradetracker&utm_content=&utm_source=tradetracker&utm_medium=CPS&utm_term=&s2m_channel=34&s2m_exclickid=1537697%3A%3A183960%3A%3ACj0KCQjw4dr0BRCxARIsAKUNjWRqRUOeOdiVoK2FEOSw0F80flvrCgfomVWKThQGQlH2QRTh.-i2YD4aAq3KEALw.wcB%3A%3A%3A%3A1586971657&s2m_exaffid=183960) or search for "Alum, Potash alum or potassium aluminium sulphate" | in Dutch often sold as "Aluin" crystals |
-| 18 | Madder roots (dried) | € 35 per 1 KG  | [Meervilt](https://www.meervilt.nl/winkel/verven/natuurlijk-verven/meekrap/) or search for "madder roots, or rubia tinctorum" | in Dutch: "meekrap wortel, gedroogd"|
-| 19 | Water | € 0 per 1L  | [Dutch tap water](https://www.rijksoverheid.nl/onderwerpen/drinkwater/vraag-en-antwoord/hoe-is-de-kwaliteit-van-het-drinkwater-in-nederland) | of course this is not free. Dutch tap water currently costs about 0,00064 euros per L and is considered to be very high quality. If unsure, use demineralized water for your recipes (found at drug stores)|
-| 20 | Sunflower oil | € 1,5 per 1L  | [Any brand](https://www.deen.nl/product/g-woon-zonnebloemolie-1-liter) or find at super market in the oil isle | or try other vegetable oils |
-| 21 | Cloves | € 1,40 per 5 gr | [supermarket or grocer](https://www.jumbo.com/jumbo-kruidnagel-5g/182379STK/) | get whole cloves, not powder |
-| 22 | Pure silk chiffon | € 17 per meter  | [Fabric shop](https://www.zijdewinkel.nl/stoffen/zijde/chiffon/chiffon-35-natuurwit-op-138-cm-breed) silk chiffon | this is 138 cm wide. In dutch: search for chiffon or mousseline |
-| 23 | Yarn | € 3,00 per 125m  | [Hobbii eco bamboo/cotton yarn](https://hobbii.nl/garen/rainbow-bamboo-1003671) or search for eco yarns | any yarn would do in principle |
-| 24 | Pipe cleaners | € 1 per 20  | [LTC Leiden](https://www.ltcleiden.nl/artikel/chenilledraad-6-mm-30-cm-20-stuks-wit/16132/) or search for "pipe cleaners" | dutch: chenilledraad found in hobby shops |
-| 25 | Crunchy peanut butter | € 5 per 500 g  | [Ekoplaza](https://www.ekoplaza.nl/producten/product/pindakaas-ongezouten-en-ongezoet?channable=e63107.MzIzMzIx&gclid=CjwKCAjwhOD0BRAQEiwAK7JHmKG4MBo-FHA0n-m_Q9zrfFH7vJJ-ERrEFCj57WFzM_mrYrsp5jR7vxoCq38QAvD_BwE) or any organic crunchy peanut butter | find one without additives |
-| 26 | Large coffee filters | € 12 per 1000pcs  | [Kantinewinkel.nl](https://www.kantinewinkel.nl/korffilters-90-250-mm-1000-stuks?gclid=CjwKCAjwhOD0BRAQEiwAK7JHmLSGH9uxWY1DPg9y4xiibzwSJ64rLf3Igu2PTneOu3lVS9dbUzo4SxoCjhkQAvD_BwE) or search for "large coffee filters" | Dutch: korffilters are the round variety |
-| 27 | Turpentine | € 3 per L  | [Gamma](https://www.gamma.nl/assortiment/ok-terpentine-1-liter/p/B547476) or any hardware store | the eco might work too, but this variety still needs to be tested |
-| 28 | Boiled linseed/flaxseed oil | € 4 per L | [Gamma](https://www.gamma.nl/assortiment/gamma-lijnolie-gekookt-500-ml/p/B507653) or any hardware store | Be sure to get the boiled version, not the raw one or the foodgrade oil. The boiled linseed oil dries faster. Raw *might* work but needs to be tested. In Dutch: "gekookte lijnolie" |
+| 9 | Denatured alcohol 96% | € 6 per L  | [Orphi](https://www.drogist.nl/orphi-alcohol-96-gedenat-5-en-methan-1000ml.htm) | this version has 5% methanol |
+| 10 | Potato starch | € 2,60 per 250 g | [Johannesmolen or other eco brand](https://www.ekoplaza.nl/producten/product/aardappelzetmeel?channable=e63107.MTU4Ng&gclid=CjwKCAjwhOD0BRAQEiwAK7JHmMX6if0OD3uBoImteSVMm5d27XDRRQr4rr1YdMX48C4HwlO4B7ZNzxoCTLMQAvD_BwE) | produced in the Netherlands |
+| 11 | Glycerine | € 10 per L  | [Chempropack for Orphi](https://www.deonlinedrogist.nl/drogist/chempropack-glycerine-123.htm) or search for "Glycerine 1.23 chempropack" | foodgrade (E422), vegetable-based, produced in Portugal |
+| 12 | Gelatine powder | € 27 per kg  | [Dr Oetker or Jacob Hooy for 1 kg packages](https://www.bouwhuis.com/dr-oetker-prof-gelatinepoeder-1kg) or search for "gelatine powder 1kg" | also available at wholesalers like Sligro |
+| 13 | Agar powder | € 72 per kg  | [De Kruidenbaron](https://www.dekruidenbaron.nl/agar-agar-poeder.html?id=133179224) or search for "agar powder" | also found in Asian supermarkets |
+| 14 | Bees wax | € 35 per kg  | [Wiertz](https://www.superfoodstore.nl/drogisterij/overig-huishoudelijk/wiertz-bijenwas-zuiver-1-kg?search_query=bijenwas&results=645) or search for "pure bees wax" | other types may be fine, need to be tested |
+| 15 | Sodium Alginate| € 15 per 300 g | [Unique Products](https://www.unique-products.nl/qr_alginate.html) | at wholesalers like sligro or cooking shops. Other types of sodium alginate could be researched further |
+| 16 | Calcium chloride | € 6 per 500 g  | [Brandless](https://www.werkenmetmerken.nl/nl/calciumchloride_poeder_food_grade/p/47859/?gclid=Cj0KCQjw4dr0BRCxARIsAKUNjWS_6b7zZZuTGeBrYNpcCWrEiLdMfli2Lipr8VFhCHWqDCQq6K4MRE8aAo9AEALw_wcB#75469) | this is food grade, but it is a desiccant that **can be dangerous to health in high concentrations. Do not ingest!** Wear gloves |
+| 17 | White vinegar | € 0,50 per 1,5L  | [any homebrand at supermarket or grocery store, e.g.](https://www.jumbo.com/jumbo-witte-natuurazijn-1,-5l/137400FLS/) | or any other 4-8% vinegar with a PH of around 3 (too acidic can kill microbes in e.g. kombucha recipes) |
+| 18 | Citric acid | € 7 per kg  | [usually brandless, e.g.](https://www.natuurproduct.com/a-45323177-4066077/meel-bakmiddel/citroenzuur/?gclid=Cj0KCQjw4dr0BRCxARIsAKUNjWRLZUF25Uj4MQnHTFJ0iTntPDmHbUjCnNsdJww_YGBe2UKfq7xiQt8aAj7NEALw_wcB#description) or can be found in asian super markets | smaller packages best found in asian supermarkets|
+| 19 | Kitchen salt | € 0,50 per kg  | [Any brand](https://www.bouwhuis.com/keukenzout-1kg?gclid=Cj0KCQjw4dr0BRCxARIsAKUNjWQtGd6xkDv9Taij7Zg0OW7bg3lZwScrN0lQPIg4OT3rbFxGo5NbGSsaAmyBEALw_wcB) or plain kitchen salt from supermarket | plain salt formula is NaCl |
+| 20 | Soda ash (carbonate soda, washing soda) | € 3,5 per kg  | [Greenhub via Ekoplaza](https://www.ekoplaza.nl/producten/product/wassoda) or search for "carbonate soda, soda ash or in Dutch: natriumcarbonaat or huishoudsoda" | Na2C03 (or E500) is carbonate soda and is used for cleaning. Bicarbonate soda or baking powder is NOT the same |
+| 21 | Dishwashing soap | € 2 per 450 ml  | [e.g. Ecover](https://www.ah.nl/producten/product/wi434053/ecover-afwasmiddel-zero) or any eco dishwashing soap | smells will transfer to the bioplastic |
+| 22 | Raw kombucha | € 3 per 300 ml  | [YaYa Original Kombucha](https://www.ekoplaza.nl/producten/product/kombucha-original) | or any kombucha drink with raw culture in it (should say so on the packaging). You can also buy a SCOBY from a brewer directly |
+| 23 | Black tea | € 2 per 50 bags | [Pickwick](https://www.plus.nl/product/pickwick-english-zwarte-thee-pot-voordeelpak-doos-50-stuks-739934) | any plain black (ceylon, english breakfast tea) or green tea will do. Flavouring (e.g. earl grey often contains oils) and does not work well |
+| 24 | Sugar| € 1 per 1.5 KG  | [brandless](https://www.plus.nl/product/neutraal-suiker-zak-1500-gram-867669) | plain white (organic) sugar is best |
+| 25 | Alum | € 9 per kg  | [Orphi](https://www.deweegschaal.nl/orphi/aluin-1000g?channable=e72547.MTEyODk2OQ&utm_campaign=tradetracker&utm_content=&utm_source=tradetracker&utm_medium=CPS&utm_term=&s2m_channel=34&s2m_exclickid=1537697%3A%3A183960%3A%3ACj0KCQjw4dr0BRCxARIsAKUNjWRqRUOeOdiVoK2FEOSw0F80flvrCgfomVWKThQGQlH2QRTh.-i2YD4aAq3KEALw.wcB%3A%3A%3A%3A1586971657&s2m_exaffid=183960) or search for "Alum, Potash alum or potassium aluminium sulphate" | in Dutch often sold as "Aluin" crystals |
+| 26 | Madder roots (dried) | € 35 per 1 KG  | [Meervilt](https://www.meervilt.nl/winkel/verven/natuurlijk-verven/meekrap/) or search for "madder roots, or rubia tinctorum" | in Dutch: "meekrap wortel, gedroogd"|
+| 27 | Water | € 0 per 1L  | [Dutch tap water](https://www.rijksoverheid.nl/onderwerpen/drinkwater/vraag-en-antwoord/hoe-is-de-kwaliteit-van-het-drinkwater-in-nederland) | of course this is not free. Dutch tap water currently costs about 0,00064 euros per L and is considered to be very high quality. If unsure, use demineralized water for your recipes (found at drug stores)|
+| 28 | Sunflower oil | € 1,5 per 1L  | [Any brand](https://www.deen.nl/product/g-woon-zonnebloemolie-1-liter) or find at super market in the oil isle | or try other vegetable oils |
+| 29 | Cloves | € 1,40 per 5 gr | [supermarket or grocer](https://www.jumbo.com/jumbo-kruidnagel-5g/182379STK/) | get whole cloves, not powder |
+| 30 | Pure silk chiffon | € 17 per meter  | [Fabric shop](https://www.zijdewinkel.nl/stoffen/zijde/chiffon/chiffon-35-natuurwit-op-138-cm-breed) silk chiffon | this is 138 cm wide. In dutch: search for chiffon or mousseline |
+| 31 | Yarn | € 3,00 per 125m  | [Hobbii eco bamboo/cotton yarn](https://hobbii.nl/garen/rainbow-bamboo-1003671) or search for eco yarns | any yarn would do in principle |
+| 32 | Pipe cleaners | € 1 per 20  | [LTC Leiden](https://www.ltcleiden.nl/artikel/chenilledraad-6-mm-30-cm-20-stuks-wit/16132/) or search for "pipe cleaners" | dutch: chenilledraad found in hobby shops |
+| 33 | Crunchy peanut butter | € 5 per 500 g  | [Ekoplaza](https://www.ekoplaza.nl/producten/product/pindakaas-ongezouten-en-ongezoet?channable=e63107.MzIzMzIx&gclid=CjwKCAjwhOD0BRAQEiwAK7JHmKG4MBo-FHA0n-m_Q9zrfFH7vJJ-ERrEFCj57WFzM_mrYrsp5jR7vxoCq38QAvD_BwE) or any organic crunchy peanut butter | find one without additives |
+| 34 | Large coffee filters | € 12 per 1000pcs  | [Kantinewinkel.nl](https://www.kantinewinkel.nl/korffilters-90-250-mm-1000-stuks?gclid=CjwKCAjwhOD0BRAQEiwAK7JHmLSGH9uxWY1DPg9y4xiibzwSJ64rLf3Igu2PTneOu3lVS9dbUzo4SxoCjhkQAvD_BwE) or search for "large coffee filters" | Dutch: korffilters are the round variety |
+| 35 | Turpentine | € 3 per L  | [Gamma](https://www.gamma.nl/assortiment/ok-terpentine-1-liter/p/B547476) or any hardware store | the eco might work too, but this variety still needs to be tested |
+| 36 | Boiled linseed/flaxseed oil | € 4 per L | [Gamma](https://www.gamma.nl/assortiment/gamma-lijnolie-gekookt-500-ml/p/B507653) or any hardware store | Be sure to get the boiled version, not the raw one or the foodgrade oil. The boiled linseed oil dries faster. Raw *might* work but needs to be tested. In Dutch: "gekookte lijnolie" |
 ###Specialist lab supplies
@@ -45,26 +66,8 @@ These are required to make the bacterial dye listed here. Try connecting to a bi
 | Nr  |  Ingredient  |  Approx. Price   | Supplier  | Notes |
-| 29 | LB broth| € 90 per kg  | [Fishersci](https://www.fishersci.nl/shop/products/ready-made-luria-broth-lb-powder-2/15805378#?keyword=LB+broth) or search for "Luria Broth Powder" | this is used as a liquid growth medium to grow bacteria on. Liquid broth is the better option to dye textiles directly |
-| 30 | Strain of Serratia Marcescens Bacteria | € 50 per 1 ml  | [BCCM Belspo Belgium](http://bccm.belspo.be/services/distribution) | be sure to ask the supplier for a level 1 type, some conditions for purchasing may apply, consider collaborating with a local biolab for the first experiments |
-| 31 | Parafilm | € 36 per roll of 75m  | [Fishersci](https://www.fishersci.nl/shop/products/purple-parafilm-m-sealing-film/16330422#?keyword=parafilm) or search for "parafilm" | 5 cm width is fine it can be cut into smaller pieces |
-| 32 | Autoclave tape | € 22 per roll of 12m  | [Fishersci](https://www.fishersci.nl/shop/products/adhesive-autoclave-indicator-tape/11720474#?keyword=autoclave+tape) or search for "autoclave indicator tape" | indicator for steam sterilization processes (will change color when sterilized) |
-##List of ingredients to collect 
-These mostly involve food waste and byproducts that ideally should not be purchased, but sourced by accessing waste streams or collecting leftovers. If you start out doing this from home, it really helps to collect nice glass jars, pots and bowls for collecting and drying food waste. Remove the labels and give them a nice place e.g. in a window where you are reminded and where you can keep an eye on them as they dry. 
-| Nr  |  Ingredient  |  Approx. Price   | Where to find  | 
-| 33 | Yellow onion skins| n/a  | identify waste streams in your home, neighbourhood and/or local supermarkets/restaurants | add notes here |
-| 34 | Red cabbage | n/a  | identify waste streams in your home, neighbourhood and/or local supermarkets/restuarants |
-| 35 | Fish skins | n/a  | connect to local fish mongers or a fish market and try to access this as a waste stream, also ask for fish scales! Can be used to make plastic and glue as well|
-| 36 | Egg shells |n/a  | identify waste streams in your home, neighbourhood and/or local supermarkets/restaurants |
-| 37 | PLA scraps | n/a | identify waste streams locally, in fablabs, printshops etcetera. Ask for scraps and failed prints that are easier to handle manually |
-| 38 | Withered flowers | n/a  | connect to local flower shops to access these as a waste stream, flowers in nature are there to be enjoyed by everyone, don't pick them|
-| 39 | Banana peels | n/a  | identify waste streams in your home, neighbourhood and/or local supermarkets/restaurants |
-| 40 | Overripe mangos | n/a | identify waste streams at local markets |
+| 37 | LB broth| € 90 per kg  | [Fishersci](https://www.fishersci.nl/shop/products/ready-made-luria-broth-lb-powder-2/15805378#?keyword=LB+broth) or search for "Luria Broth Powder" | this is used as a liquid growth medium to grow bacteria on. Liquid broth is the better option to dye textiles directly |
+| 38 | Strain of Serratia Marcescens Bacteria | € 50 per 1 ml  | [BCCM Belspo Belgium](http://bccm.belspo.be/services/distribution) | be sure to ask the supplier for a level 1 type, some conditions for purchasing may apply, consider collaborating with a local biolab for the first experiments |
+| 39 | Parafilm | € 36 per roll of 75m  | [Fishersci](https://www.fishersci.nl/shop/products/purple-parafilm-m-sealing-film/16330422#?keyword=parafilm) or search for "parafilm" | 5 cm width is fine it can be cut into smaller pieces |
+| 40 | Autoclave tape | € 22 per roll of 12m  | [Fishersci](https://www.fishersci.nl/shop/products/adhesive-autoclave-indicator-tape/11720474#?keyword=autoclave+tape) or search for "autoclave indicator tape" | indicator for steam sterilization processes (will change color when sterilized) |
diff --git a/docs/projects/tools.md b/docs/projects/tools.md
index 25ea52bb2d4732ff4a7a81bc31d1b4d9037b54c0..5fbc3dc2b8f86ebb3061e12e9b8ee2a7a02a49a2 100644
--- a/docs/projects/tools.md
+++ b/docs/projects/tools.md
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ Some of the recipes can get smelly, so consider the people you share a space wit
 When working with inks and dyes, consider to protect your surfaces by coverig it with a piece of plastic. Wear some clothes you don't mind staining.
-##Kitchen utensils
+##Kitchen utensils & household tools
 ![](../images/toolpics-3.jpg)*Dedicated to non-food only: strainers, pots, thermometer, a syringe, a knife, and kitchen paper, Loes Bogers, 2020*
@@ -61,10 +61,14 @@ When working with inks and dyes, consider to protect your surfaces by coverig it
 - A blunt scraping tool
 - A drying rack (used in the oven)
 - A silicone mat
-- Anti-bacterial hand soap
 - Large transparent ziplock bags
 - Oven mitts/gloves
 - Access to a fridge and freezer
+- A drying rack (used for laundry)
+- Anti-bacterial hand soap
+- Heavy duty cleaning gloves
+- A squeegee, a ruler or other wide straight tool
+- Overcoat to protect clothing (like a lab coat or overall), or clothing you don't mind staining
 ![](../images/toolpics-5.jpg)*Dedicated to non-food only: a mortar and pestle, a blunt scraping tool, baking paper, textured plastic, oven mitts, spoons, a whisk, and a silicon scraper, Loes Bogers, 2020*
@@ -72,7 +76,7 @@ When working with inks and dyes, consider to protect your surfaces by coverig it
 ![](../images/toolpics-6.jpg)*Funnels (large and small), a precision scale, a tupperware box, antibacterial hand soap, rubber bands, chopsticks, Loes Bogers, 2020*
-##Basic DIY & crafts tools
+##Arts & crafts tools
 - A stack of heavy books (for pressing)
 - 4x spray bottle(s) of 100-150 ml
 - Painting tape
@@ -90,19 +94,13 @@ When working with inks and dyes, consider to protect your surfaces by coverig it
 - Labels
 - Scissors
 - Pipettes
-- Pen and paper or a laptop for notetaking
-![](../images/toolpics-7.jpg)*Art supplies for testing inks/dyes and trimming biomaterials: aquarel paper, silk chiffon, a cutting mat, a scalpel, a fine japanese brush, a regular brush, pipettes and a ruler, Loes Bogers, 2020*
-##Tools to find around the house (or at the hardware store)
-- A drying rack (used for laundry)
-- Nails and a hammer
 - Wooden board of approx 60 x 30 cm 
 - A sheet of fine mesh (plastic, textile, metal, all fine) slightly larger than the wooden frame
 - A wooden frame (e.g. a large picture frame)
-- Heavy duty cleaning gloves
-- A squeegee, a ruler or other wide straight tool
-- Protective clothing (that can get dirty, like a lab coat)
+- Nails and a hammer
+![](../images/toolpics-7.jpg)*Art supplies for testing inks/dyes and trimming biomaterials: aquarel paper, silk chiffon, a cutting mat, a scalpel, a fine japanese brush, a regular brush, pipettes and a ruler, Loes Bogers, 2020*
 ![](../images/toolpics-8.jpg)*For drying: a drying rack, a wooden board, hammer and nails, metal wire, a large tray that fits in your oven, a wooden frame and a piece of sturdy fine mesh.  Loes Bogers, 2020*
@@ -112,7 +110,7 @@ When working with inks and dyes, consider to protect your surfaces by coverig it
 - Pen and paper or a notebook
 - A laptop with an internet connection
-- Optional: software to edit markdown files, e.g. (MacDown)[https://macdown.uranusjr.com/] (for Mac)
+- Optional: software to edit markdown files, e.g. [MacDown](https://macdown.uranusjr.com/) (for Mac)
 - Labels or painting tape for temporary labeling
 - An office printer to print labels
 - A4 paper 160 or 210 grams/m2 (whatever your printer can take)
@@ -120,19 +118,10 @@ When working with inks and dyes, consider to protect your surfaces by coverig it
 ![](../images/pics-insta4.jpg)*Editing a markdown file, Loes Bogers, 2020* 
-##Optional tools
+##Biolab supplies for microbial growth
-- A wider variety of silicone and acrylic molds. You can buy these and some you can make yourself. 
-- Additional acrylic sheet to cut modular molds (if you have access to a laser cutter)
-- Nuts & bolts to keep modular molds together
-- A stand to use for the tactility videos, cut from 4 mm MDF (download the [Illustrator file](../files/tools/stopmotionstand.ai), or the [DXF file](../files/tools/stopmotionstand.dxf)). 
+And finally, the hard(er) but very exciting part! You will need these tools to explore the bacterial dye (with the Serratie Marcescens bacteria). You might also try to contact a local microbiology lab or open biolab (maybe at a high school even?) to take your first steps in microbiology. None of the other recipes require these tools. 
-![](../images/toolpics-9.jpg)*Optional: various silicone moulds: stackable with removable bottom, modular walls with metal wire inside to bend them into shape, and an XXL ice cube tray, Loes Bogers, 2020*
-![](../images/stopmotionstand.jpg)*Optional: a stand to make tactility videos with your phone, Loes Bogers, 2020*
-##Basic biolab supplies
 - Pressure cooker pan
 - 2x Glass petri dish large 20 cm diameter
 - 12x (or more) small petri dishes, ideally glass ones 
@@ -147,3 +136,14 @@ When working with inks and dyes, consider to protect your surfaces by coverig it
 - Disposable vinyl gloves
 *Picture will follow*
+##Optional tools
+- A wider variety of silicone and acrylic molds. You can buy these and some you can make yourself. 
+- Additional acrylic sheet to cut modular molds (if you have access to a laser cutter)
+- Nuts & bolts to keep modular molds together
+- A stand to use for the tactility videos, cut from 4 mm MDF (download the [Illustrator file](../files/tools/stopmotionstand.ai), or the [DXF file](../files/tools/stopmotionstand.dxf)). 
+![](../images/toolpics-9.jpg)*Optional: various silicone moulds: stackable with removable bottom, modular walls with metal wire inside to bend them into shape, and an XXL ice cube tray, Loes Bogers, 2020*
+![](../images/stopmotionstand.jpg)*Optional: a stand to make tactility videos with your phone, Loes Bogers, 2020*