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        <h1 class="display-3 text-uppercase text-white mb-3">Week-09</h1>
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            <h6 class="text-uppercase m-0"><a class="text-white" href="">Assignments</a></h6>
            <h6 class="text-body m-0 px-3">/</h6>
            <h6 class="text-uppercase text-body m-0">Output Devices</h6>
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    <!--Documentation Start-->
<!--Day-01 start-->
<h3><u><FONT COLOR="f77d0a">DAY-01</FONT></u></h3>
<p><FONT COLOR="black">On the Wednesday of nineth week, Mr. Neil sir conducted our nineth global session. He took the random generator in first 90 minutes. He gave us overall explaination about week-09 which includes Output Devices. 
    In this assignment, I have made documentation on-<br>
    <b>Group Assignment</b><br>
    1. Measure  the power consumption of an output device. <br>
    <b>Individual Assignment</b><br>
    1. Add an output device to a microcontroller board you have designed and program it to do something.<br>
<!--Day-01 end-->

<!--Day-02 start-->
<h3><u><FONT COLOR="f77d0a">DAY-02</FONT></u></h3>
<p><FONT COLOR="black">
    <b>Output Devices:-</b><br>
    <b>What is output device?</b>  The name itself give an idea that the device which gives an output called as output device. An output device is a hardware component that takes information from a computer and presents it to the user in a way they can understand. This can be through a screen that shows images and text, speakers that play sounds, or a printer that makes physical copies of documents. Output devices are essential because they let us see, hear, and use the information that the computer processes.<br>
    <b>Group Assignment</b><br>
    <a href="">Click here to see group assignment in detail.</a><br>
    <b>Individual Assignmment</b><br>
    In individual assignment, I designed PCB board which includes output devices - Buzzer, LCD and RGB led. <br>
<b>1) Buzzer</b>
    <img  width="900" height="550"src="img/week-09/01.jpeg">
<p><FONT COLOR="black">
    A buzzer is a small, simple output device that produces sound. It converts electrical signals into audible tones, making it an essential component in many electronic devices for alerting or signaling users. Buzzers are commonly used in alarms, timers, and various types of notification systems to provide audio feedback or warnings. They can emit different types of sounds, such as beeps, chirps, or continuous tones, depending on the design and application. Buzzers are valued for their simplicity, reliability, and effectiveness in drawing attention to a specific event or condition. Buzzer has 2 pins, one is digital and another is ground.
<b>2) LCD</b>
    <img  width="900" height="550"src="img/week-09/02.jpg">
<p><FONT COLOR="black">
    A 16 by 2 LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) is a small screen that shows text. It can display up to 16 characters across and has 2 rows of text, making a total of 32 characters visible at once. These displays are handy for projects where you need to show words or numbers clearly, like in digital clocks or small gadgets. They often have a backlight for easy viewing in different lighting. You can connect them to devices like Arduino or Raspberry Pi to control what shows up on the screen, making them useful for DIY electronics and learning projects.

    <img  width="900" height="550"src="img/week-09/04.png">
<p><FONT COLOR="black">
Here, I designed PCB Schematic in AutoDesk Eagle Software by considering the proper connections of respective output devices.
    <img  width="900" height="550"src="img/week-09/05.png">
<p><FONT COLOR="black">
Here is  the final design of PCB board for output devices. 
    <img  width="900" height="550"src="img/week-09/06.png">
<p><FONT COLOR="black">
These are the PNG images of traces and outline exported for generating GCode for PCB Milling process.
    <img  width="900" height="550"src="img/week-09/07.png">
<p><FONT COLOR="black">
    Now, I used MIT Mods CE to generate GCode of image for PCB Milling  process by inserting required parameters such as tool diameter, depth of cut and offset number.
    <img  width="900" height="550"src="img/week-09/08.png">
<p><FONT COLOR="black">
    Again,  use same process to generate GCode of outline of PCB.
    <video width="700" height="450" controls>
        <source src="video/week-09/01.mp4" type="video/mp4">
 <p><FONT COLOR="black">
   Here is the video of PCB Milling process of output devices PCB. 
    <img  width="900" height="550"src="img/week-09/09.png">
<p><FONT COLOR="black">
Here, I got the output.
    <img  width="900" height="550"src="img/week-09/10.png">
<p><FONT COLOR="black">
This is the glimpse after soldering the output deevice PCB. Finally, it is ready! <br>
Now, its time for testing. Firstly, I tested all the devices separately with PCB board.<br>
<b>1) Buzzer</b><br>

    const int buzzerPin = 5; // Replace with your desired buzzer pin<br>
void setup() {<br>
  pinMode(buzzerPin, OUTPUT);  // Set buzzer pin as output<br>
void loop() {<br>
  // Turn buzzer on<br>
  tone(buzzerPin, 1000); // Play a tone (optional, for audible indication)<br>
  // Buzzer on time<br>
  delay(1000);  // Wait for 1 second (buzzer on)<br>
  // Turn buzzer off<br>
  // Buzzer off time<br>
  delay(2000);  // Wait for 2 seconds (buzzer off)<br>

    <video width="700" height="450" controls>
        <source src="video/week-09/02.mp4" type="video/mp4">
 <p><FONT COLOR="black">
    <b>2) LCD</b><br>
        #include <LiquidCrystal.h> // Include LiquidCrystal library<br>
            const int lcdPins[4] = {32, 33, 25, 26}; // Replace with your LCD pin connections (RS, E, D4, D5)<br>
            LiquidCrystal lcd(lcdPins[0], lcdPins[1], lcdPins[2], lcdPins[3]);<br>
            void setup() {<br>
              lcd.begin(16, 2); // Set LCD dimensions (columns, rows)<br>
              lcd.clear();       // Clear LCD display<br>
              lcd.print("SIDDHI"); // Print "SIDDHI" on the LCD<br>
            void loop() {<br>
              // No additional code needed here for displaying text, it's done in setup<br>
    <video width="700" height="450" controls>
        <source src="video/week-09/03.mp4" type="video/mp4">
    <!--Documentation End-->
         <a href="files/week-09/week-09.zip">PCB and GCode Files</a><br>
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