diff --git a/public/assignments/week15.html b/public/assignments/week15.html
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                       <p>This part is generally my favorite one but in this case the lines of the white parts of the design were to thin and a lot of details came off.</p>
+                      <span class="image object">
+                        <img src="../images/...jpg" alt="...">
+                      </span>
                       <p>I thought it would be ok with what lasted but unfortunately the film folded together and the head outline came also off...</p>
-                      <p>I had to cut this part again but AGAIN, wrong parts came off and I couldn't use the rest.</p>
+                      <span class="image object">
+                        <img src="../images/...jpg" alt="...">
+                      </span>
+                      <p>I had to cut this part again but, AGAIN, wrong parts came off and I couldn't use the rest.</p>
+                      <span class="image object">
+                        <img src="../images/...jpg" alt="...">
+                      </span>
                       <p>I tried to modify the file in Inkscape to thicken these lines but ... I really don't like this program. I failed trying.</p>
                       <p>At least, all the other colors came out good and I even thought about including a little square as a mark to make the positioning on the t-shirt easier.</p>
+                      <span class="image object">
+                        <img src="../images/...jpg" alt="...">
+                      </span>
                       <h4>Transfer on t-shirt</h4>
-                      <p>As told above, I added a mark to help positioning the different parts. As I didn't know how to press different colors on a shirt, I made some video researches and tutorials told me to put the first part and press it for 30sec, the press all the other parts one after another but only for 5 sec each and press all together one last time.</p>
+                      <p>As I didn't know how to press different colors on a shirt, I made some video researches and tutorials told me to put the first part and press it for 30sec, the press all the other parts one after another but only for 5 sec each and press all together one last time.</p>
                         <p>During the pressing process, always put a sheet to protect the raw film from burning. ;)</p>
-                      <p>Here we go, a great unique Fab A'Cat'emy t-shirt ! :)</p>
+                      <p>The square I've put in the design to help me place the different parts was a good idea but not so easy to manipulate. I didn't want it to be transferred on the T-shirt so I had to think twice and as result I placed a piece of the protective sheet underneath and precut around it to be able to keep it while taking off the rest.</p>
+                      <p>Of course, it was harder than it sounds above and this whole square help was a fail. I'll have to try something else next time.</p>
+                      <p>Last but certainly not least, the pink and turquoise films were not so good : they wouldn't stick on the t-shirt !</p>
+                      <p>I had to "heat press" 2-3 more times and some letters still didn't stick properly. The "O" of "documents" would definitely NOT STICK so I removed it from the protective sheet and placed it by hand on the t-shirt and "heat pressed" ONE LAST TIME without the plastic protective sheets and for a longer time.</p>
+                      <p>That finally was it ! It was way more complicated than expected but...</p>
+                      <p>HERE WE GO, a great unique Fab A'Cat'emy t-shirt ! :)</p>
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+                      <h2>16. System Integration</h2>
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+                      <h3>Hero shot</h3>
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+                        <img src="../images/integration-hero-shot.jpg" alt="...">
+                      </span>
+                      <br>
+                    </section>
+                      <hr>
+                    <section>
+                      <h3>Materials used</h3>
+                      <ul>
+                        <li>2 Laser cutted prototype boxes</li>
+                        <li>2 RGB LEDs - Common cathode</li>
+                        <li>1 Ultrasonic SH04 Distance Sensor</li>
+                        <li>1 ESP32 Wroom</li>
+                        <li>1 Servo Motor 9g</li>
+                        <li>1 or 2 Force Sensitive Resistor</li>
+                        <li>1 Battery</li>
+                        <li>Wires</li>
+                        <li>3D printed mounting brackets</li>
+                        <li>brown paper tape</li>
+                      </ul>
+                      <span class="image object">
+                        <img src="../images/...jpg" alt="...">
+                      </span>
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+                      <h3>...</h3>
+                      <p>...</p>
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+                          <li><a href="../assignments/week02.html">2. Computer Aided Design</a></li>
+                          <li><a href="../assignments/week03.html">3. Computer Controlled Cutting</a></li>
+                          <li><a href="../assignments/week04.html">4. Electronics Production</a></li>
+                          <li><a href="../assignments/week05.html">5. 3D Scanning And Printing</a></li>
+                          <li><a href="../assignments/week06.html">6. Embedded Programming</a></li>
+                          <li><a href="../assignments/week07.html">7. Computer Controlled Machining</a></li>
+                          <li><a href="../assignments/week08.html">8. Electronics Design</a></li>
+                          <li><a href="../assignments/week09.html">9. Output Devices</a></li>
+                          <li><a href="../assignments/week10.html">10. Mechanical Design And Machine Design</a></li>
+                          <li><a href="../assignments/week11.html">11. Input Devices</a></li>
+                          <li><a href="../assignments/week12.html">12. Molding and Casting</a></li>
+                          <li><a href="../assignments/week13.html">13. Networking And Communications</a></li>
+                          <li><a href="../assignments/week14.html">14. Interface And Application Programming</a></li>
+                          <li><a href="../assignments/week15.html">15. Wildcard Week</a></li>
+                          <li><a href="../assignments/week16.html">16. Applications And Implications</a></li>
+                          <li><a href="../assignments/week17.html">17. Invention, Intellectual Property And Income</a></li>
+                          <li><a href="../assignments/week18.html">18. Project Development</a></li>
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